I couldn’t stop sucking air in through my gritted teeth when I heard her say that. 😩
I couldn’t stop sucking air in through my gritted teeth when I heard her say that. 😩
Brett: Aw, honey! Don’t worry about it. Remember, when that happens, go, “Wait. I’m in Italy. And I’m with Raffaele. And I’m 20. And I’m gonna look back on this year as the best year of my life.”
What is the point of this?
Once there was a king whose wife had died, and he decided to marry his daughter, who was her only equal in grace and beauty.
Well, yeah. There are some seriously messed up fairy tales out there. The one about the fur dress? Gives me the willies, every time.
Those were not considered “fairy tales” because nobody involved was attractive.
I mean, other than the “brains deposited on her face” you just described Lady Bird Johnson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mamie Eisenhower, Martha Jefferson, and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Im sure it was quite a fairy tale to have a husband who fucked anything with a pulse and had his brains deposited on her face.
Would 100% be good with that top 3 list.
No Julianne’s apology wasn’t sincere, it was really awkward that they had that on the show but very on brand I feel like.
I disagree, I think that Donald Jr. is the most punchable. He looks like a stand-in for James Spader in the mid to late ‘80s only much less endearing. The smugness just oozes off of him. Eric, on the other hand, is the dorky sidekick and I could only imagine in the Trump family playing the role of the “weird” one to…
And I looked and beheld a pale man, with skin like the belly of a slug. In his right hand he held a machete, and in his left hand he held the decapitated head of a cheetah from a game reserve in Africa. And lo, his name was Eric.
There are so many Trump-ish words I can’t listen to now. A new VP just emailed me “terrific” and I cringed. Fantastic is same. One of my bosses is from NY and literally says “yuge.” I need everyone to go back to saying things like “very” and “good” and “large” so I don’t lose my mind.
Yeah their use of adjectives is very limited.
He looks like Pestilence, the 1st of the Four Horseman.
every time i hear word “tremendous” i get gagging reflex