
I still feel really good about myself. THE AP WONT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME.

Look, I haven't voted yet. But I'm smart enough to understand that voting at the end means the race can be called before I vote. I don't really care about this because democracy is about everyone, not just me. So if she's secured the nomination without my state voting, I'm not gonna pitch a fit and pretend that the AP

I have great-great aunts that marched for social security and suffrage, got beaten, jailed for the belief that women are equal. This is something that I am so beyond thrilled to see. I remember seeing the president of Planned Parenthood speak at my college in the late 90s when Elizabeth Dole was still in the

I foresee lots of screaming and shouting, but we all knew this was coming tomorrow, right? It’s just a day early because of a few more committed superdelegates. Everyone should absolutely vote their conscience tomorrow and in DC next week.

Or maybe Bernie grassroots campaigners finally got to her via those mass texts

Eh, I get it. I’m a resident of one of those states, and she wants us to feel like she cares about our votes and our states. She’s going to need our votes and our campaign donations in the general, after all.

Please please please please let the screaming “progressive” masses just sit down and start supporting Hillary now.

Despite being more to left than Clinton, I’ll vote for her. Trump is definitely the greater of the evils in this case.


You’re my favourite today

I’m genuinely sad my feminist mom didn’t get to live to see this.

Great timing! “Hey, California and New Jersey voters, fuck you!”

I’ve gotta say, as a woman, I’m kind of having a moment right now. My daughter will grow up in a different world than I did and it thrills me.

I don't have work tomorrow and I'm a little drunk so I texted all my Bernie bro friends and broke the news and they are still trying to tell me he has a chance. It's cute.

I think it will affect CA to an extent. She has a big lead in early votes so that should help and Bernie wasn’t going to win NJ regardlessly. She will end up with a majority of the pledged delegates, but I do think that the Clinton Campaign is going to have to put their GOTV into overdrive tomorrow.

No matter how you feel about her, 100 years ago American women didn’t even have the right to vote, so this is pretty cool.

I was hoping for this to happen tomorrow night after NJ, but I’m not surprised. CNN reported last night that 40 SDs were ready to pledge, but were advised to wait by the campaign until after Tuesday. The AP probably called a bunch up and got them on record.

this sounds like the bury your gays trope and if the minorities of said trope are tired of seeing themselves portrayed in the same light consistently, then i don’t care how “well written” and proud you are for making the audience “feel.” Research and write better work, we will all be the better for it