
it feels more under-appreciated than anything

Rebels is not her series, Clone Wars yes,, even if it does continue her arc. It’s clearly the Ghost Crew series. 

My reaction was more so to the strong-ish language of “inability of Star Wars to move past the Jedi and the Force.” Which is a bit different than creating stories that don’t revolve entirely around Jedi and the Force. Move past, at least how I read, is leaving Jedi and The Force behind entirely, and if you meant just

considering you’re reacting, something must’ve been said and it seems you care enough to be here at least twice

ohh sick burn, yeah you got me. lol...but wait where did I say anything about perfect?

everyone isn’t a Jedi, just a good amount of the stories that are told include Jedi creating a sample bias. And i mean, if you want StarWars without the force or Jedi, I suggest another sci-fi IP?? Because, that is a core part of’ll never move past them. 

50 right after order 66, and like 15-30 max at RoTJ, isn’t “so many Jedi left,” that’s .3% left. And “you don’t think it was the point of the original order 66" kind of doesn’t matter— that is only your opinion and interpretation, as when O66 dropped the amount killed off was never explicit. So it’s all of us just

lmao, just wrong on so many levels it’s comical. This isn’t art, not because it’s “easy.” I don’t gate keep like that, and damn yo is the broadest definition of art you can make which includes so much that by using it everything can be called art, which means nothing is then. Also, yo, you think you’re the only one

As an artist, I can say that in this specific case punching them in the neck, would indeed be art.

yay capitalism, more shit for the junkyards 

Yeah, the Star Wars media we view, can be seen as huge “selection bias” in our attempts to view the galaxy from the perspective of someone living inside it. Us, as an observer, are zeroed in on specific individuals giving us a bias in what life is like for 99.9% of the people living in this universe. 

Exactly this, plus we see in our own world how easy it is for disinformation to warp peoples perceptions of reality and what is. Then we think about a galaxy where at their height there were 10k Jedi, most folks never met or saw one so they were probably largely mythic for most to begin with. Then you add time,

Holocaust denial started fairly quickly after WWII. And well, a Galaxy is much larger than a planet, and there were only 10k Jedi.

Granted its on Netflix, but ‘Dolemite Is My Name’ dropped in 2019...

exactly this, I think folks get too caught-up on the OT and Luke being the “only one,” able to defeat Vader (and another)...while ignoring all the times Lucas would swerve from “cannon,” and the million ways to interpret it, ways Lucas changed himself.

A yes, because nothing in the West was built off anything stolen...

yeah, my first shot at the final shrine there was a bust. But then did the same thinking you did, I went back to the starting room and used Ascend. Deff still learning to think outside the lines in this game, but it is fully rewarding when you do. 

Oh no, I was deff on Master, I wanted a challenge where from what i read below Master was not at all. So I started from the jump on Master. 

See, it’s funny because for the life of me I don’t understand how anyone can thinks the first was anything but loose/weightless combat. It is deff more like Sekiro, but Sekiro felt tighter, with more weight, and kinetic energy to it. But yeah, Fallen Order just felt in-exact/loose and weightless to me, and just a more

Yeah the combat mechanics of the first were bad, IDK what this piece is talking about. They were loose, and it deff did not feel like “being a jedi.” But yeah, too much paltforming and sliding down slopes. If you’re going to go the Dark Souls route, go full on, and don’t hand wave things away. A lot I could’ve looked