Shadow the Hedgebanned

Bringing up the constitution is basically the same as Art Briles quoting the bible all the damn time. Its saying some document a bunch of morons consider literally perfect has proven I am right no matter what so there please hire me again

Maybe if Putin and Trump are too distracted with stupid bullshit like the Olympics and Entertainment Tonight, they won’t kill us all with nukes?

The presumption that the players had no idea what really happened is ludicrous. Hell many of them were on the message thread the night it went down. Then the “due process” bullshit. They tried to pull a power play not because they were ignorant, but because they didn’t think rules should apply to them.

Jerry Kill is literally foaming at the mouth.

They suckered someone into building them a stadium, what do they care about winning now that it’s built?

Sounds like Rex and the Wolfman could get another shot! Aroo!

The BLS actually tracks those people who have stopped looking as part of its U5 and U6 rates

Think of all the 5 year olds, deprived of their chance to pull a coal cart for a farthing a day! The elderly and decrepit and mentally ill, all kept from their rightful position in a sweatship, behind chained doors, making shoes for pennies a week! An unemployed America is a morally bankrupt America, which is how you

should have called it The Assholes

the guys weren’t even that nice

Can you make a list of all the things Katie Nolan is allowed to criticize?

Yeah! Dumb bitch should start her own multi national media conglomerate if she actually wanted to make change.

The best way to “use sports to talk” to someone is the following technique, since it shows your vast knowledge of baseball, one of the sportiest of sports. Feel free to explain what you’re doing each step of the way.

“A man” is setting yours sights pretty high, Emma. Have you considered a “journeyman?”

“Actually, here’s the evidence...”
“So they did what now? ...Ok, what time do we show up? Don’t tell my parents, k?

“We won’t stand for these accusations! Yknow, unless they’re factual.”

Throwing on the one yard line instead of running it for starters

wow, never thought about doing it with tiger knee. It’s feels real cumbersome going into neutral command, turning around and then doing the motion when it was dwn to up-fwd , ugh

Bomani Jones is a quality sports fan

I wish someone would just go ahead, haul off and beat his ass. I’m so sick of him doing this and then getting defended by bay-area bandwagoners and his mother. It’s ridiculous.