Shadow the Hedgebanned

Still haven’t forgiven you for being a turnstile for Duke two years ago. Who are you going to hand the next title to? ISIS?

It is almost like GuJo is bad at his job but people don’t notice because he is fun when it is a close game.

He’ll tell all those other countries to knock their offshoring shit off obviously. The Mexican Wall might contribute by physically blocking corporations from leaving too, I’m not sure.

Like you don’t take breaks at work...

You forgot the best benefit of this hypothetical rule change, which would be watching Andy Reid royally fuck it up.

You are a decent man and you try hard, which is why your end zone proposal is balls. What you do is take ONE end zone and make it EIGHT INCHES deeper. Call it the Bonus Zone and say you are doing it to make the Coin Toss more important (try not to snicker when you do this.) You will instantly hear crazy shit like,

Nice, a topical Harambe joke.

dont forget that they dont wear uniforms like those other lame marching bands!!11!! imagine the zany parties these guys and gals must throw!!

We’ll never be able to bring our future children past the home where their parents first lived, and we definitely won’t be able to show them the place to which they were first brought home from the hospital.

There’s this tech based groupthink which basically dictates that certain platforms and formats die as other ones come along, so to stay viable everything has to migrate into that new format.

His Japanese roster lists him as Otani and MLB uses Otani, though he’s worn jerseys with both “Otani” and “Ohtani.” Baseball-Reference uses Otani, and so does every media outlet I’ve seen. If you can find a recent team or media example of Ohtani, would love to see it. (Sincerely! I saw people refer to him as Ohtani

I don’t think everyone who voted for Trump is a racist. I do think that everyone who voted for Trump knows what he’s done, what he’s said, and what people who support him have said and done. And I think people, knowing that, chose to prioritize other concerns over the wellbeing and safety of American minority

Here’s the thing though. Democrats did. I reposted this all over the place today, but it bears repeating.

If Teddy couldn’t do it, this tiny-handed fascist might as well not even try

The decision to vote either Trump or Clinton is not a simple difference of opinion. The man is openly hostile towards women, immigrants, people of color, and, to a lesser extent, LGBT folks (although Pence more than makes up for it on that front). And this doesn’t even take into account how erratic and capricious he

I took it seriously.

Hey buddy. I don’t read Deadspin for your political HOT TAEKS. I come to Deadspin for Pad Thai recipes. Also I’m making a roast today. Any good tips you can share with me?

Can’t wait for the 4 year rally cry of “TRUMP GOT MORE ELECTORAL VOTES THAN ROMNEY” and them tearing their party apart from the inside because of it.