
so what you're saying is that britta is basically the embodiment of all of jezebel in one person, right?

If you want to make a point about how stupid religion is... please go ahead in another place and I will totally agree with you.

When you make a point of trying to take over a situation like this to air your anti religious views (which I agree with BTW)... you're being a dick.

I'm not big on god myself, but please kindly shut the fuck up.

I fail to understand how someone else's desire to feel a modicum of comfort and control over a situation, where there is little, is such a bad thing. You say that the only thing that it does is make the prayer feel better, but why is that not enough of a reason?

whatever, I'll be that person: if the ladies are playing themselves, it's kind of weird that Kate McKinnon doesn't take another lady home, right?

Stats on a gaming site aren't indicative of actual sales. As someone else pointed out, Sony has moved about 100K more units than MSFT - not anywhere near 2:1.

I'm a long time reader of Jezebel, so you definitely don't have to tell me twice about how some of the writers and commenters have stan-ed for rape and sexual assault victims. I agree with you that this is not a zero sum situation, we can speculate, highlight, and vilify Winston while still tackling the bigger

Wait, did the author dismiss my comment?
Here it is (if this one disappears too, I'll know for sure it wasn't a glitch); can't imagine it's dismiss-worthy:

They didn't just change her clothes, they made her shoulders stick out more, made her waiste smaller, brushed away whatever flabbiness she had left that caused the clothes to wrinkle the way they do, added something that seems to mimic muscles to her belly, and made her breast appear higher than they are, her neck

They also changed the shape of her hips, made her arms more slender, elongated her neck, made her thighs smaller, and gave her a smaller waist. It could have been worse, but they gave her a new barbie body. They didn't just smooth out her clothes.

I am not shitting over women. I am engaging in this discussion of the criminal justice SYSTEM and pushing back against the suggestions in this article, that white victims are discriminated against and that the criminally accused are afforded too much protection. Both of these suggestions are patently false.

For all the bleating people do about an alleged rape victim's credibility (see the comments here), they seem to forget that the same can and should be applied to the accused, his or her witnesses, and the investigators as well.

It's an awards ceremony, which even with more respected mediums are still regarded as pablum-filled shit.

No, I meant that having the presenters treat such an obvious PR/marketing dog-and-pony show like it actually has a semblance of cultural authority or relevance is incredibly insulting to people who actually like videogames. Joel's honesty was one of the most refreshing things I've seen in a long time.

Taking such a terrible, pandering excuse for an awards show seriously is far more insulting to devs and gamers than anything McHale said.

In his defense, the show was pretty terrible.

Jez's obsession with Jennifer Lawrence is becoming a bit creepy and really eye roll inducing. At this point I think perhaps Jez should launch another site devoted to articles about her and Kate Middleton's hair.

I think you set this up just for a photo op. No one in their right mind would shower with a TV and and a gaming console sitting at the edge of the tub. PS: Clean your toilet, dude.

I think it's just a little too grown up for some people.

I am so fucking sick of you ladies stoning t-swizzle. Seriously. Shut the hell up. You've all said it before. "Why is she so fake Humble?" "She's the worst feminist Ever." I'm so annoyed. Just shut up. She's talented, wonderful to her fans and can sing without a machine (another of the most common stupid comments).