
That's what breaks it for you? Not Walter posting this stuff (or any stuff) on Facebook in the first place?

How is it not a problem with the funding model? How many traditionally funded games have end consumers losing hundreds of thousands of dollars on games that never get finished?

I feel kind of bad saying it, but it's a shame they couldn't have gotten some better art. Hell, as tired of it as I am, I'd even advocate devolving it into various styles of pixel art. As it is, it just looks amateur. Shame, because it actually seems rather novel if it's done right. Regardless, I'll keep an eye on

I'm digging the concept, not really feeling the visual presentation. But this is probably all proof of concept footage anyways.

Oh, "read a book." Sweet comeback, bro. While this is admittedly for use in surveys/polls, I figure I'll educate you a little bit.

Of course, if this info were included in this story, Lindy wouldn't have had nearly as many clicks, nor would she have been able to blame the tech industry.....for high school students' class choices.... (I still don't get that ridiculous logic, by the way).

Your comparison argues that something ignored is bound to grow. That is not necessarily true. The Betamax is a counterexample. Ignoring Betamax then would have little impact now. The Bitcoin may turn out to be like that.

Certainly, just like how people in the 1980s ignored the Betamax!

I don't feel sorry for him, he sounds like an asshole. I just don't believe that his bad behavior justifies hers.

Sorry, just no.

Hey ladies, next time you create a angry email about an ex just remember that you chose him. Time to up the standards, date guys because they are good people, not just because they are cute/hot/drive a motorcycle (whatever you're into).

Get the fuck over it.

Media can say whatever they want. Its about choosing what YOU like and not being an asshole about it or about what others like. I personally cant stand Justin Bieber, but that doesnt mean im going to go around shitting on everyone that does. Grow up.

But, I'm not a hipster. Wanna know why?

So some music can't be music because there's "better" (see: subjective) music with less notoriety. Does that mean the second one of those undiscovered artists gets money and fame, they're no longer making music? Because, at least to me, that's bizarre.

The word hipster is so overused these days, it's original meaning means nothing anymore and is cheapened. If you happen to like anything that other people like anymore (whether mainstream or not), you can be labeled a "hipster". It's quite humorous.

Wow, that wasn't absurdly hipster or anything.

Well, that really depends on which version of Mr. Freeze you're talking about. When he was first introduced in the comics, he was simply a schmuck scientist who designed a freeze gun and called himself Mr. Zero (He wouldn't get the moniker Mr. Freeze until the Adam West Batman series). It wasn't until Paul Dini

Nobody is preventing them from getting these services. What they are saying is that the church is not going to pay for coverage of those benefits. The solution is not to force churches to pay for things that contravene their own philosophy; the solution is to decouple health insurance from employment entirely and