
Men are free to complain about it but it's less of an issue for a large reason: sexism towards females is rampant in the gaming industry. Even a well-built, handsome guy won't have the kind of lewd interactions a female would have in the industry on average.

Women are pressured to conform to that imagery far more than men are, though. That's sort of the point, I think.

As a woman, I think it's ok for men to complain about these unrealistic depictions of men. That being said, I don't think the two situations are entirely comparable. One is an issue of unrealistic body types, whereas the other has an added layer of sexualization and invalidation. There is also the factor of how women

I'm not saying there are not better role models than Oprah because there are. I'm specifically referring to Black women that are seen in the public eye. For young girls that are looking for role models they probably aren't in situations/talking to people where they are going to see or hear about people like Angela

I don't give two fucks what he's been through, that doesn't make him or his Francis character any less annoying.

THANK YOU. I was coming here looking for a hilariously awful story, and ended up having to scroll through the entire thing, not understanding anything.

Good lord, the way this is written is completely unreadable.


Is there a reason you think Kotaku shouldn't be covering this?

I demand more male-centric content! I know we have sports and shooters and generally 90% of the content, but I demand 100% of Kotaku be male-centric. Even one article that may appeal to females or one article that questions gender norms in gaming is too much.

Yeah. Fuck women! Those assholes should just shut up and play the games we give them! /s

Do you know what's interesting? You comment on the "ire of feminists," yet look at the ire of the people who hate feminists. I think the amount of hate you would get by saying something vaguely feminist sounding about a game would vastly outweigh the amount of hate you would get for making a sexist comment. The

I don't like her or agree with her on most things but, that actually was a wise choice to block Youtube comments.

I imagine that there would be a lot of "black (or dark)" humored, trolling instead of actual criticism, (Even with this new system youtube has implicated).

Now playing

It's upsetting that she obviously filmed it all at once and now takes weeks between videos, or is it months?

Oh come on, the sort of comments videos like hers get aren't worth leaving the door open to. Shes a target (whether she engineered that or not is irrelevant) for so much hate theres no room for reasonable discussion there.

Post-processing does take quite a while. Plus there's all the capturing game footage and editing.

And then there's the Jezebel way, which is to find somebody else's way of doing original reporting about it and just straight up repeating what they had to say and adding some ads.

We have a few days yet until the 22nd, so expect many more stories about JFK's pre-assassination, foreshadowing activities, like his consulting with psychics in the Air Force One toilet, or receiving a heretofore unknown visit from the X-Men's Kitty Pryde during which she warned him how his impending assassination

Right now we are going off of a little over 400 negative reviews on Amazon (as of this post) and another 100-200 complaints on various forums.

I get that. I'm still not comfortable with mocking this.