
Saitama doesn't care about wizards or demons or aliens or anything much for that matter. There may be a sale at the supermarket he cares for though.

New DLC.

Well fuck. I bet this set them back a shit ton to animate. The game will probably cost an extra $10, now.

> "Make a Cheap Ice Cream Cake in Five Minutes"
> "at least two hours to set"

Day One.

This is an actual screenshot for a anime

Even in the post apocalyptic future there will always be pretty ladies in short shorts.

You forgot the most important picture

Seems legit.

It's nothing like Borderlands. The only similarities between the two is that they are FPS with exploration. The progression character and weapon leveling is very MMO, the mix between multi-planetary exploration reminds me slightly of Mass Effect meets Metroid Prime with the hunter class controls feeling very similar

When it's good, it's really good. The problem is that, a lot of the time, Destiny doesn't reach its true potential.

No, what they need still is this.

So instead of watching it and saying "hey ok it is beautiful, they did a nice job", you say that it is pretty but not that pretty because 'pre-render', 'assets', 'far distance', 'fidelity' etc.

Well I didn't really like the 13 year old sensibility of Borderlands. I would welcome a more serious sci-fi universe that isn't full of tired stereotypes and poop and fart jokes.

I hope I'm not the only one feeling a bit underwhelmed by this trailer. I mean, I'm excited, and it looks cool and all... I'm just expecting a bit _more_. It kinda just seems like it's the same ol' same ol'. I mean, I play most of the "top" games, and for Battlefield or CoD it's fine, because it's what I've come to

Anybody who is worried bout the graphics need to realize this is just an alpha version