Yes it was obviously absurd to timely address a problem before it became more deeply rooted.
Yes it was obviously absurd to timely address a problem before it became more deeply rooted.
I love that Star Citizen exists. I hate that CIG just may not pull it off. It’s like watching a ship builder build a triple-Titanic. I’d be happy with a normal, functioning Titanic. A triple-Titanic would be fucking amazing, but the longer its construction drags on, the more it seems like its gonna triple sink the…
My favorites are the toolbags who rattle on about how VR is a fad or a gimmick, even without ever actually trying it. Shit like that is why AAA devs don’t want to “take a chance” on VR.
At least this one is actually thinking about others. You know, the one thing that should be the core of a politician values, but 99% of them lack.
yeah in terms of jedi action, jedi outcast has never been topped. here’s hoping the devs looked at that game for inspiration—with a little uncharted, it seems to be—rather than force unleashed.
It’s called Titanfall 2
If that screenshot were from new DLC, I would download the shit out of it.
My least favorite thing to hear was Donald in general.
Omg you people are joking right? Its a stylistic choice to make the 3D movie look 2D... not a cost cutting method.
Given how they just executed that person and are raiding settlements? They’re definitely villains at the least.
Yeah, this sums up about 90% of the backlash this is getting.
This might be a stretch, but bare with me. What if a lack of interest from a particular demographic, might be because said game isn’t appealing to said demographic? Perhaps as far as culture and fandoms go, certain character archetypes/designs appeal to a specific type of gamer audience. What if that gamer audience…
Star Citizen is going to go down in history as the game that was shaped by public opinion.
Notice how when new stuff for Star Citizen comes out you don’t hear a peep from journalists, yet when there is any sort of news like this about the project, or they are changing engines (which amounted to very little) or there…
I hope this does like the Deadpool “test footage” and makes enough noise to jumpstart production. I have to think that’s the primary motivation for Fillion et al. to dump money into a short like this.
While I certainly understand that the way videogames “glorify” violence can make people uncomfortable, and there is absolutely some stuff worth unpacking there, this strikes me as completely ass-backwards.
Marina is the perfect one obviously.
Fuck that guy. Natalie Dormer is fucking beyond stunning. I consider myself pretty firmly heterosexual but she is the only woman who has ever made me go “Hmmmmm...”