
"Here was a large, unkempt, suspicious-looking man, threatening to make lists about my kids, then break into my house tonight with a 'delivery'. I acted on instinct."

This game would be nice if only the multiplayer wasn't infested with broken gameplay mechanics.

You know who you are, you Deidara spammers.

Ever since I first played the first Assassin's Creed and saw that "creed" at boot-up, about the game being made by a multi-cultural group of many backgrounds and faiths, and then stepped into a game featuring Arab characters who weren't walking stereotypes (I'm not Middle-Eastern, I'm just happy to see it), I knew I'd

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That's what I said as well. Perhaps you'll be able to turn off the lock-on feature? Check out this fan made game on PC. It's pretty fun, albeit very challenging to kill titans as these guys display below.

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Looks FAR too easy in comparison to the fan made game online right now for PC. I really hope the lock-on can be toggled off for a challenge.

PC and the STEM would make a true attack on titan game feel welcomed. not to mention oculus rift to top it off

Never called the game badass. I said it made me feel like one. Big difference there.

Right, because owning a means of self-defense equal to that of your potential aggressor is paranoia.

If the PS4 is so great then why do all these PS4 owners have so much free time that they troll gaming sites bashing the XB1? Shouldn't they be off the computer enjoying their new console?

It's super hard to tell, but a tiny nitpick I have is that the straps don't seem tight enough.

But that hair simulation though!

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Here's a few more fights and mob craziness from Vine.

Because you can only be game critic if you agree with every other game critic?

Ehehehehehe teeheheheheheehe 69% AHAHAHSHAHAHAHA

I'd let her flashbang me.