This is called a Dynamic Shape Display. MIT built it, and it uses a Kinect sensor. In one of its applications,…
still looks like crap compared to battlefield...
Higher frame rate at a lower resolution. xbone does 720p while ps4 does 1080p. and the winner is............ a PC still. Just join the master race. we are very welcoming.
I know people are making this a Sony or Microsoft issue, but why is this not an Infinity Ward issue?
"Believe" but not the best Halo trailer ever, ODST? Come on, guys, you must be joking.
Seriously no love for Halo: Reach's Deliver Hope Trailer.
She's like that girl you're embarrased to admit to have dated long ago. Your friends mock you for it and you laugh along nervously coz deep inside you know that she was once your first love.
There are reasons why I came to America, cousin.
It's one of the classic examples people point to of gamers not supporting new and inventive IPs. It suffers from a similar thing as Vanquish in that the campaign is on the shorter time (6-8 hours), which made $60 a hard sell. But it absolutely worth your time and money, it's $5 used at Best Buy right now which is a…
Dead Rising: Case Zero says Hai!
Come join me in GTA Online. We have regular fap-and-rub parties in our virtual homes. It's very clean, if not sterile. No cleaning up, no awkward stealing yourself away. Climax is everything.
Remember when COD trailers actually had gameplay? Those were the days.
Man this video is outstanding..hell I'll support this before I support either console if he can help humanity.
love this one! creepy-kawaii in a good way.
Bring GTAV to PC!!! Bring GTAV to PC!!! Bring GTAV to PC!!!
...pirates it.
OMG look how provocative and weak she is. Such a poor role model.