
if theirs a sequal i hope they get older actors. When i heard that 18 years in the force line I just thought to myself that he was counting the time that he was in his mom or she was carrying him around on her missions or something. Way to young and the voice didnt fit him.

you should look up VRChat gameplay its s close to second life as i can imagine right now.

Barbatos is best gundam!!!

Adam jensen ?

You should check out Pavlov ( like vr counter strike ) and Onward ( more tactical ) Both great VR shooters Onward recently got picked up by valve whose assisting the creator now and pavlov is very new like a few months old and updates really quickly with new content.

would love to find where i could buy a corvo dishonored 2 mask replica

wonder what would happen if regular people pulled the info on senators who voted for this.

I see what you did there

That background with ghandi is scary

I got spoiled of the second ep trying to find out how the origional characters looked in the manga but yea it was good. They looked kinda basic in the manga while in the anime they look more stylized ( i didnt like the lieutenent girls under tanya look but it grew on me)

Is it berserk Fkd up dark or something ?

Mob Psycho Tengan toppa Gurren Laggan , Kill la Kill, Hunter X Hunter, Eureka Seven (stay away from Ao), Yondeyasu no azazel kun ( like a raunchy comedy anime with demons) mostly a shonen watcher but Little witch academia is really good. Mobile suit gundam is awesome and its the first gundam ive watched in years that

I just miss the old days when you could just pop it in and play

What do you prefer between the rift and vive ? I really want a vive personally but the price tag and the possibility that i wont be able to run anything with it is putting me off. I’ve played a few of the games and really enjoy it but I’m not into the idea of spending close to 2,000 just to use it.

Dude this games design is Amazing I want more screenshots

am i the only one not getting any of these updates ? i still have the footprints on mine.

I would like to see it from the point of a new blood marine making him or her a representation of the audience it could begin by introducing us to the current state of the world and then set us up with the event that starts the movie the attack on reach. the main character could tag along with one or all of noble

it saddens me that some of these kids are better than me at smash