yea im seeing entire familys walking downtown playing and even while shopping at work sometimes and ingress i just heard about through pokemon.
yea im seeing entire familys walking downtown playing and even while shopping at work sometimes and ingress i just heard about through pokemon.
this is meme level
Officer Jenny is on the case ( im sad )
am i the only one that cant get vr to work ?
Just had the best match of overwatch in competitive , everyone communicating assisting each other made it feel like i was apart of the avengers or something. we were just fighting the other team holding a overtime for like 3-5 straight minutes fucking love this game.
theres a range before it starts fireing ?
not working anymore i wanna try the mods : (
so the shadow ash what is that about ?
they are disgusting, they came in like 3 weeks ago at work bought it and tried some and spit it up immediately, my 2 year old niece loved em though.
kid should be an added character
this is the first time I’m hearing of this lady and from what i see on her twitter after 3 minutes of skimming she seems cool.
I got those air reapers bruh
please just fix the beam spamming,transformations, counter moves, and rethink how much leveling affects your character versus other players, Im ok someone who playes more doing more damage than me its when said damage from a single punch is 3/4 of my health then its a problem.
when is the public beta for this ?
Would be cooler if they just added new characters while expanding the map with new areas.