Shade Wizard

It’s cool. But it’s also still clearly a group of white guys who probably masturbated as soon as they finished putting that gun together.

I think I have watched that bat flip 100 times now. I marvel at the technical perfection. If only the camera had tracked the bat so we could know, scientifically, the number of rotations that a technically perfect bat flip produces.

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I’ll bet he loves the Citizens vs. Civilians scene from Starship Troopers.

billy wrote an article today, and we are proud of him. but it looks kinda butt.

i'll bet the women who got raped thought that was some funny stuff. burn.

These coaches should always be quizzed on whether they would agree to submit to the same restrictions and treatment. Can the team owner send someone to his house whenever the mood strikes in order to make sure the coach is drawing up new plays and not hurting his brain too much on crossword puzzles?

Keep Pounding is the lamest team rallying cry ever. To add to the “Why the Panthers Suck” list.

I can’t read the thing because I don’t want to give Lena Dunham my email. But I wonder if the audio would sound better? Kind of seems like two comedians riffing, but it looks really crappy in writing.

I feel like this happens from time to time with a bunt. But coming off a full swing like that is a new one.

pretty awesome of him to want to also solve the mess in brazil, which is also in our hemisphere

If casualties of war and just your everyday American gun violence count under “fire,” that has to bump it to the top. However, if you count water borne illnesses like cholera, then you probably keep the order the same.

one of my few simple rules in life: people who go out in public wearing plain white t-shirts are garbage

making an 11 minute video about heath ledger's joker that is BORING AS SHIT is a monumental achievement

he could not hit anyone because those lanes exist only to waste space. but it is surely another example of how sports people think that whatever useless mission they are on is more important than everything else.

That’s cool. You are scared of becoming a Nicholas Cage movie character.

MMA-ers have to be higher, right? Just for wearing those damn Affliction shirts or whatever bullshit death font crap they wear now. this a fear that the fact turns out to be true and no one believes it? Or you are scared that you are going to go insane one day? Because the first one is a pretty cool fear to have.

Are there are college football fans that are surprisingly un-awful?

Are the Olympic ping pong players the most OCD athletes on earth? They all seem to touch the table weirdly after every point and do obsessive, twitchy stuff a lot. From my limited viewing sample size.

This is nothing. Wait until the soccer fields in Qatar 2022 grow red from the blood of all the enslaved workers. Maybe then a corporate sponsor or two will drop one of these events.