Shade Wizard

I liked the Drogba old sage role there. “C’mon dudes. Let’s be professional here.” It’s also kind of rubbing it in the other team’s face when you are standing around debating who gets to increase the lead to three goals.

“I have to go home at lunch to let out the dog" is a statement that should be grounds for firing

When my cat (that I liked) died, I put him in a box, chunked him in the clay, and decided to HOLD STRONG against getting another. Best decision ever.

let's remember Kendall Gill

these are the frat variety of bro. not to be confused with the gym variety of bro.

that tweet took the non-apology apology to new heights

yeah, draft pick list is bigger than yours — Sam H

If your buggest concern is making sure I have an accurate understanding of the term, you might have missed the point.

or....this may seem insane because punching kids is always the way to go...they could just say “ got me dude. nice burn."

The very best part was when he called it a "childhood dream." It would be very weird to have dinner with Wallisch and that Man on Wire guy.

Good thing the Sox did not have Adam LaRoche on the field, looking sidelong at the dugout for Drake. They needed focus on that play.

i don't know if his boner was lackadaisical. last angle kind of looked like he just muffed it.

If that one guy were Sergio, how many drops would he have to take?