Jason Spears

Beats any F1 car in the aggressive-looking-aero-bits-per-dollar comparison. I don’t hate it, but I wouldn’t have it. I don’t mind looking funny, but I don’t believe it’s a requirement of having fun.

The Cadillac Fleetwood of the same model year was available with way better options.

You could almost span a time zone just sitting still.

launched the career of Jason Statham

I wonder if he’s just trying to parallel the Tony Stark character arc.

4th gear

10,000 self-tapping screws and a set of used tires is cheaper than a set of used studded tires?

Worst of the worst?

For a car that they probably should have been paid to take away, I would give them a pass.

This is the best way of describing adequate rear legroom.

Reached to turn up the volume and it was already all the way up.

This is the real problem. The requirement for unchecked growth is unsustainable, and anything less is seen as a downturn or failure and punished by Wall Street. Even consistent growth, if it’s “not enough” growth, somehow leads to ignominy.

For my Accord, 7 years max. The recommendation probably varies by make / model, but if there isn’t one I’d ask your trusted mechanic, especially if you’re the (proud?) owner of an interference engine.

I read the entire ad in Mr. Regular voice-over voice*.

Slidey-turn assist handle.

Old tires and old timing belts gotta go.

I feel this is obligatory.

The “I’m a high level paid government assassin” exchange feels like a nod to Grosse Pointe Blank.

In Soviet Russia, baggage claims you.