Jason Spears

Obviously this, and also gun turrets.


Can an alley-oop qualify for #COTD?

V6 hybrid.

49 cubic feet

Double-feature night: Protect the Harvest and The Wicker Man.

And how many jump cuts was that? More than one per second on average, is what it felt like. Studios trying to mask another movie they don’t understand with a trailer designed to draw in (i.e. fool) audiences?

Up next, an in-depth comparison between the driving ability of the average Angeleno and a box of hair.

Yeah but they all had to be bought back. #dieseltankgate

I’m not arguing who’s culpable here, but there is always risk of a court decision going against you. The outcomes of the legal system have less to do with right and wrong than you think.

You can’t simulate all the variables of a real accident, but they do have the roof strength test.

These beauties.

Activating the wipers is something you do for safety. It seems unbelievably dumb for this to require using a touch screen, which requires taking your eyes off the road. Is this really how it works?

I particularly enjoyed some of the cars of Casino Royale.

Is that cage functional? Because it looks... skinny.

Have your right foot checked?

You’re a lawyer, you should know you’ll get sued by someone who crashes trying to read a bumper sticker with that many words on it.

Is that Black Jade? It’s hard to tell depending on the light.

I normally just use the crosswalk timers to tell when a light is about to turn red.

Pretty sure that’s the Fusion ST, dude.