
It says a lot about the state of modern art when it is difficult to differentiate between a "real" artist and some fruitcake off his meds.

If you were convicted of a minor crime and the judge decreed that your punishment was to have your penis slammed in a wood frame door would you want your member to be erect or flaccid when slammed?

This is why celebrities should never speak.

Im guessing the answer, after all the bullshit, boils down to : Money.

And shortly after they will be Crazy Divorced.

Dry water

Close up of the suspect.

I think we have seen this together on a bike ride before.

I like your attitude.

People have been doing this in Houston for years.


I did the exact same thing with Gary Buseys tweets.

Extra points for full spinal compression.

Im not sure im the guy for that.

Hes pretty hideous but ill deal with it.

Fuck that shit.

Socks to be her.