
@Panzercat: Just like it hemorrhaged with the release of Warhammer, Aion, Age of Conan, oh and just about every other major mmo release since WoW released. PUHLEASE! I regularly play with a guild of 120 active members, only 3 or 4 of them have even a passing interest in SW:tOR. That game isn't really doing anything

@brass2themax: Many states don't require the employer to have a "valid" reason to fire you. Here in GA is a prime example your boss can walk up to you say "You're fired" and need no other reason then he felt like it.

@moqee: good luck with that, they get more subscribers every single day.

This controller is still in testing, this isn't the release version, stop bitching about a work in progress. Jesus Christ people, complaining that the Move is laggy at this point is like saying bitching that an orange tastes like shit because it's not ripe yet.

@Ko0lHaNDLuKe: The original imagining for the Bord was that since they have been mostly transformed into a machine, their organic components that were left "intact" should begin to wither and die. TNG's budget wasn't large enough for them to render this effect so it was taken out. The designers of STO liked the idea

@PossibleCabbage: At lieutenant lvl 6 you can create your Klingon.

NOW if only they could make the combat system enjoyable...

@kahoona: Really? He's not? He's running the banks, has appointed "Czars" accountable only to him, with no oversight, he has the ability to SEIZE companies who's business models are so bad that they are about to fail, so that they won't, even though that's a key point in capitalism, allowing a company with a bad