
I used to think the next line was
"I wish I had a girl and phone so I could call her."

Half of that is getting recommendations from "What are you reading"—I hadn't heard of Gene Wolfe until earlier this year—and half is because I inherited my dad's sf/fantasy books collection, which was full of Adams, Kay, Niven, Vance, Vonnegut, and Zelazny.

I think them playing All Along the Watchtower over someone trying to get to Earth means that Mark Watney is a cylon.

Last week I noticed that I am about to read four fourth books in different series!

I already liked Winston's shirt in this, and then the close-up reveals the pattern is actually a mix of dinosaurs? So cool!

It was good timing for Atticus Finch to come up because my wife and I watched The Yearling with Gregory Peck this week and I kept calling him Atticus Finch because the name Ezra Whatever wasn't sticking.

Make it Stansted or Luton and you've got a deal!

Oh, I forgot about that one! I had it out from the library shortly after reading xkcd's Randall Munroe's book What If—which referenced TWWU a few times—but had to return it before getting into it. I'm putting it back on my holds list, thanks!

I thought Kubla Khan (published in 1816) made for an equally poor rhyme, and went with Coleridge.

I missed it, and so soon after Don Draper had reminded me of the existence of the Bonneville Salt Flats!

I really enjoy Alex saying "Now is the time for [correct response]" after someone guessed it earlier and was wrong. This was the first time I saw it in a cross-category situation however, with Mike guessing methane for C2H4 as the avacado-in-a-paper-bag gas in the Produce category, then CH4 shows up under Easy

Oh well, we already have an amazing animated version to enjoy: Ponyo.

It could lead to an international dance craze like The Sambola!

I need to brush up on that topic, because I panicked and said Hayden Christensen was the leader of the mutineers.

I had it almost right away thanks to Last Week Tonight's send off to Radio Shack from a couple months ago (probably before the episode was filmed):…

The first three series of Miranda are on Hulu in the States. Meanwhile, in Canada, my wife discovered the show on a Christian channel several years ago, and we got the complete series online.

Emaciptation Proklamayshun!

Definitely some overlap. I recognized the Sputnik clue instead of solving it; the j-archives say it was from a game last April.

Ditto for Hapsburg, which puts me at 40 or 41 depending on the ruling there. My wife recorded me mumbling during the test, so I went back and heard lots of "Arches, uh, maybe Arizona??" (nope, Utah) and "pike … tuna … carp … *ding* … oh shit, bass!"

I went to an audition two years ago after scoring 38/50.