
Don't get me started on Eve & Will!

As a Eustace-Elodie shipper, I was thrilled when her little sister came to Tackleford this year. But now it looks like we're going all the way back to Erin & Eustace, which is also okay with me.

I picked Rat Queens up based on an AVC recommendation (and really enjoyed it), so I thought it might show up on the list.

So The Rosie Project is part of a developing series? I've ordered it from the library after reading an article about its forthcoming Lord-and-Miller movie, but now I don't know if I want to get involved in a rom-com series.

Dear Kyle,

It was pretty tough … do you know about reeds? That was the $2000 clue.

My guess is Gabby. She finished in the red on Wednesday (I'll cry if I ever make the show but can't reach FJ) and I don't remember her coming back on stage for the post-game chat.

I got the Zelda XL last year, and every time I see a regular DS or 3DS I feel like a giant struggling to see a tiny screen. But my eyes have aged nearly 25 years since I first got a Game Boy (which still works!).

Hip to today's music, I actually searched for "Jessie J. However."

After Monday's game, the parents rushed onto the set to be proud of their little players. Last night it took a long time to get the parents on stage, which seemed about right—I wouldn't want to be associated with that lot.

Also when the parents came up on stage it was two women. I wish he got the Tom Sawyer Daily Double, so we could call him Little Roger Craig.

From Toronto, you can get Jeopardy on the CBS affiliate out of Buffalo.

I hope he's got a name like F1F4 or U3F4.

The wrap-up felt really rushed. I wanted Alex to tell me if my "Bering Sea" response would have been accepted. Also, we didn't get to hear his Russian accent as he names the 1648 Russian man, Semyon Dezhnyov (thanks Google).

Right? I score myself, and I was in second place going into FJ. When I saw the clue I assumed I'd lose because there was no way Joel could fuck up a clue about an Oklahoma book around The Great Depression.

I can sympathize with Mariusz game. The first board was close to a personal best with only 3 misses, then struggles to get 10 correct in DJ.

I just retroactively recognized Steve Agee as homeless Outside Dave—he wasn't on my radar until he and Brian Posehn showed up on Community, then he started guesting on BP's podcast, and Outside Dave hasn't been on the show since then.

Now, Belgian ignorance was obviously part of the joke, but how they could go the whole episode without using the very funny word Wallonia, while using Wallonian (French) terms and pronunciations instead of Flemish (Dutch) ones?

I like that one. I use "E is for Envelopes."

It's difficult to think of a specific episode of Nerd Poker that would be a good introduction, which is probably why Paul Scheer didn't give one.