
A really good game, and the first to clear both boards in at least a week!

Oh hello Amanda Foreman, aka Meghan from Felicity. So you'll be playing Brian Huskey's flash-mob-hating wife? I see you've bought the same embroidered cardigan from Anthropologie my wife has.

Maybe it's getting skipped because of the overlap with National Treasures, but it's not like the first two movies were produced in order. [Book spoilers ahoy] Maybe Tom Hanks can unlock Masonic secret and drown in breathable fluid after he steals Dante's death mask and transhumanists sterilize us all.

Three Canadian fiction awards announced their shortlists in the last and there's only one book that appears more than once (Miriam Toews's All My Puny Sorrows). That encapsulate how this year has felt for Canadian fiction: Lots of good books, but no amazing stand-outs.

I started Bone Clocks on Monday. So at six this morning, I'm sitting in my backyard watching a lunar eclipse and reading (because staring at a darkening moon isn't entertaining enough) and things go apeshit for Holly Sykes. Then the moon goes away and she forgets everything and goes to Black Elm Farm.

He was okay with Daily Doubles, but kept giving the name of a movie when they wanted the actor, or the author when they wanted the book title.

I wish! I'm 18th in line in the Toronto system, though there are 12 copies, so I should be reading it by Hallowe'en.

The sweats from the breasts are in the flagon with a dragon; the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.

She's the Sean Bean of sitcom romances.

Catching up on last week's episodes, and thought there should be a mention of the Ghostbusters category for posterity. First of all, Slimer was Belushi's ghost? Did not know that. And Venkeman putting down the baby is from the sequel. But the greatest offense: Why would they carry on with the category if they

Right?? And it doesn't help that there's no overlap with the Booker Prize long/shortlist (plus Canadian prize lists start coming out tomorrow). There's no way I can get through everything before spring.

I read it as Laughing My Balls Off.

Bad job, Internet! I'm off to listen to Bob Ducca do it properly.

I saw him last week at a Frog Eyes show! He looks the same as usual.

Hey, spoilers! I haven't seen The Brave One yet!

Eponymous? More like the titular painting!

R2-D2 looks like a dalek.

God forgive him, he did it for love!

Thank you! I flipped through his imdb trying to jog my memory and noticed he voiced Yancy in Luck of the Fryrish, but it doesn't have Notizzy.

It was under "The Voice" and was along the lines of "John DiMaggio voices Bender on this show, baby, as well as Barbados Slim, …" and I think they listed two other characters.