
Bring back OAC!

They had almost the exact same clue last summer, and I remember looking up Nelly Bly and thinking that was a name worth remembering.

Yep, I figured it was a coin toss between Belgium and the Netherlands because of the two abdications last year and went with the Netherlands because it seemed more Jeopardy-friendly.

As someone who regularly flips through Chuck Forrest and Mark Lowenthal's Secrets of the Jeopardy Champs book, this final was frustrating. They highlight how the Secret Service is part of the Treasury Dept, but the book came out before 2003 when the Secret Service moved to Homeland Security. "It must be the Treasury

My wife said, "Stop carrying me around this obstacle course! You're not Taisto Miettinen, Finland's 5-time World Wife Carrying Champion." Then she guessed Lion King.

Not just the song was plagiarized—most of the plot is straight out of The Artist, which itself is just a parody of Brian Posehn's The Fartist.

Something like "Judge Turpin has a close shave with Johnny Depp in this 2007 musical," and "of course he played this villain in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves."

I'm so disappointed that they decided to have Tywin actually shitting gold, when such a big deal is made about him not doing it in the books.

My ToC understanding is once there are 15 qualifiers (5+ game winners or tournament champs) that triggers a ToC during the next sweeps—at least the last few have been during sweeps months. Anybody between the 15th player and the ToC qualifies for the following one.

Jeopardy! recap for Sat., June 14 - a rerun of Wed., April 3, 2013 - Champ Rebecca was looking to top $100,000 and secure a position in the Tournament of Champions, but lost it all on a DD after the first commercial break and was in third going into Double Jeopardy.

This list has chapter titles, which could be considered spoilery in the "hey, how come there are no Eddard chapters after page 800?" kind of way:…

Great trilogy that holds up. There's also a so-so prequel: When the Tripods Came

The geography in the book is hard to pin down, but it's appears to be set around Midland—definitely ends on Christian Island nearby. It's a tough book to get into because there are three different POV characters and each chapter you have to figure out who the chapter is about, but worthwhile once you get into it.

I'm reading AFFC and ADWD for the first time. I found a site that recommends a reading order that avoids learning things out of order, so it's a 2000 page book with everyone in it. So far so good.

I can't believe she banish Sir Friendzone!

So true. In Molly's second game, the final was a triple stumper and she would have lost if the guy in the third place had wagered wisely.

A thousand-dollar error. She could have ended the game with $800 to Jason's $200.

Wherever they would go! They are known as the couple!

I don't remember Alex spelling out that the State of the Film Industry category was movies with states in the titles—and Sarah really suffered from missing out on the theme. I was overly excited to realize the theme just in time for Mississippi Burning, but then I hadn't heard of The Missouri Breaks.

Makes sense. Heard KtM first, and my favourites radiate outward from it.