
(A) Hadn't realized they left Merge.
(B) U Talking U2 fans will agree, Spoon albums would come out sooner if Jim "Young Sourpuss" Eno was producing.

The Princeton Puritans.
The Dartmouth Dominicans.
The Columbia Calvinists.
The Brown Branch Davidians.

I was at the same Jeopardy audition as him! He showed up late because the Ti-Cats coach wouldn't let him out of practice early, flubbed his first couple responses in the test match, then showed off his offensive line style to Maggie Speak (Contestant Coordinator).

Alex even said, "It was the other one: Rousseau."

No set date. The last two were about a month after the 15th player qualified. But they often take place during sweeps, so it could be as far away as November. I hope we hear about it by the end of the month.

Since the Tournament of Champions isn't on a set date (closer to every 16 months), it depends on what has aired since the last one.

Jay has probably already put this list together, but there are now the 15 players needed for a Tournament of Champions:
• Joshua Brakhage (5 wins)
• Drew Horwood (8 wins)
• Rebecca Rider (5 wins)
• Jim Coury (college champ 2013)
• Andrew Moore (6 wins)
• Ben Ingram (8 wins)
• Jared Hall (6 wins)
• John Pearson (teacher champ)

I had a similar theory that there was a Super El Nino coming off the Sunset Sea.

Thursday, March 29, 2018. Long contest.

And what about the two lowercase P's on the planes? Has Fox been planning to use the Pied Piper compression algorithm from Silicon Valley to keep Assad in power since 2001?

So there was a March game with Album Covers as a category where the first two questions went unread. Could this have been the leftover?

Show #6728 - Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Loved him as Iago, and his delightful Micawber for the BBC's David Copperfield (the one with David Radcliffe).

Name: Shada was a Tom Baker Doctor Who story written by Douglas Adams that never got finished because of a BBC strike. I was going to use my name but there's already a Bradley who posts way more than me.

The host should always have two outfits ready in case he or she gets a hole in one.

Max von Sydow -> chess -> the Chiss -> Grand Admiral Thrawn!

I was surprised he said Coetzee, but I had the advantage of remembering when he won the Nobel Prize (ten years ago), therefore it couldn't have been 1954.

Speaking of the ToC, since the last tournament 11 people have won 5+ games and there have been 3 non-kid tournaments (teachers and two college tournaments). If Julia wins tonight, they could be scheduling it for just after the Battle of the Decades ends.

Kumquat, Mr Bond? You derive as much pleasure from eating as I do.
