
The royal wee?

peninsula = penis + insulin

I switched from testosterone to insulin too! I could not picture Alex saying his testes were like the small islands of his dick's archipelago.

Hmm, very clear reference to Up in the Air: George Clooney and Anna Kendrick are coming to lay off half the office.

Double Far Side memory: My dad took me to a talk by Jane Goodall at the Ontario Science Centre in the 80s, and one of her slides was "Conducting a little more 'research' with that Jane Goodall tramp?" And I remember a "The real reason dinosaurs became extinct" poster by the Science Centre entrance.


Brutal episode of Nerd Poker last week. After opting to not follow the flee rats and forgetting to heal, the adventurers are trapped during an explosion and take catastrophic damage. Brian Posehn walks out of the recording when his character dies. The only character not unconscious or dead botches a roll while

Wait a second, I know that monkey! His name is Donkey!

Looking up those games was the first thing I did when Marah mentioned she had been on the show. Taking home over $10k while never got a Daily Double and missed both Final Jeopardys is impressive.

Yay! My wife and I love his snobby aristocrat in Posh Nosh. Misquote because I can't remember: "There are a lot of overpriced balsamic vinegars on the market, so any of them will do."

2 Broke Gorons

The power of hoodoo.

Either I'm gonna sock you or you're gonna sock me.

Canadiana (Torontoniana?) here: I'm rushing to finish The Orenda because I can see Robyn Doolittle's Crazy Town: The Rob Ford Story on its way to my library branch. I'd like to have started it when she's on The Daily Show tomorrow night.

It wasn't until late May last year.

Ah, Todd 2.0 … I had to pull over (on my bike) because it was too funny. Just voted for it.