
Westbrook. When did you start smoking Torch’s stuff.

I’m curious who was wrong. Was the kick good or not?

It’s not domesticated. It’s tame. There is a world of difference, starting at the genetic level.

Ironically, yes. There’s little place for feelings when hundreds of millions of dollars are being thrown around. Business is cold and calculating but they’re not stupid for not wanting to get their hands dirty in someone else’s business.

You are partly responsible for freedom airman, hold your head high bud.

reading on a bigger than 30 inch, not the case,

For three decades, it has been preoccupied with looking for guns and explosives rather than for dangerous people.

Maybe when someone admits they’re wrong and apologizes for it, acknowledge that and don’t keep going, “yeah, but you were wrong” like an asshole.

side question, i’ve never heard ‘line’ be snynonymous with ‘sentence’, as in the structure of words followed by commas perhaps and ending with a period. I always thought line was just that, the first line of text in a block of text with or without a period before it moved down to the next line.

Of course, the counterpoint is this: Univision realized that the former Gawker employees have a skewed sense of news judgment (and judgment in general) at best, and took matters into their own hands by necessity.

That those people would be in legal hot water is the first amendment issue. When you go to court for a legal issue, you are dealing with the Judicial branch of government.

Lemme get this straight. So you buy a property and there are liens against it or claims filed against it. You would be totally cool inheriting the liability the previous owners incurred as part of the privilege of owning the property? You didn’t do any of the things for which the property is being sued. But if you

free speech doesn’t include slander and outright lies. nor does it include defying a court order to remove a post as Hogan has surely taught you lol

(and also the classic “freedom of speech isn’t freedom of consequences”)

Ah yes, its so funny seeing a Liberal say this. Considering when it a person who has a conservative opinion is fired for saying something. You same people say, only the government cant censor you. Private business can do so if they please. Eat your own beliefs.

First Amendment only protects you from state or federal prosecution. It does not provide you a legal get out of civil lawsuits card. Please shut up about the First Amendment when you do not know how it works. A civil case was filed against Gawker Medial and Gasket lost it period. There was no First Amendment issue.

Pretty sure there are a lot more than 6 articles on Gawker blogs attacking people. Way to completely overreact. People sure seem pissed that Univision doesn’t want to follow Gawker’s original owners plan for a certain demise.

the New Millennium will be remembered as the era in which we all willingly gave up our constitutional rights.

The government isn’t bringing these cases against the former Gawker properties, individuals are. So, again, how is this a first amendment issue?

Univision is Congress?