
My b/f said he will never use a glue trap again because (he said) he actually heard a stuck mouse SCREAMING it’s little high-pitched scream until he could chuck it in the dumpster -- plus, they’re kind of expensive, so.

The man is 85. Sooner or later, time will take care of things if nobody else does.

The Indianapolis GP was torn between two greedy men, and a small tire issue didn’t help. F1's biggest problem in the US is really that the states won't pay Bernie millions of dollars like dictators in other parts of the world.

He fucking launched himself.

I don’t even think that was the worst hit. This one was worse.

I like how intentional grounding just cancels out a helmet to helmet tackle.

NASA and the USAF have worked closely for decades, so this is not surprising.

On military bases they absolutely do play the anthem before movies at the theaters. And everybody is expected to stand at attention facing the flag on the screen.

You have to have a mix. At my company we’ve had more success hiring younger people that can be trained by our veterans then hiring experienced people & having to train bad habits out of them. What we don’t do is shove out older, high-paid people, leaving us with no one who knows what the duck they’re doing. Balance is

Forgot one more thing: Commercials after kickoffs, ESPECIALLY TOUCHBACKS. Or commercial breaks with 3 seconds left in the quarter. Or commercial breaks for “injuries,” when the injured player is already off the field before the commercials begin.

You could change out “football” to “boxing” in there and date it 1985 and this suddenly becomes a lot more scary to those of us used to actually enjoying watching even the worst football games.

Tracy was a “win it or bin it” driver. Too often..he binned it.

We need more guys like Paul Tracy in motorsports.

It was putting down 358hp before the N2O was added.

Man, that 305 could have made some 3rd gen F-Body somewhere respectable again. It was putting up solid numbers N/A.

Any truth to the rumor that next week is Matt Merimee bobblehead day at Miami?

No. They have three Matthew Staffords.

You have to put it into perspective: the Vikings gave up a first round pick for a Week 3 snap.


that was my hope too when I clicked the link