
Which is why I didn’t want a team here.

There are places that will work with you for a mortgage if you have no credit. You shouldn’t be buying a car with credit because of the depreciation rate. I don’t think you would want to work someplace where having credit is part of the employment requirements. I sure wouldn’t want to work there.

Credit cards are evil.

My dad paid $49.99 for Tetris as a last minute purchase at a closing for the night Toys R Us...spent most of the summer playing that game. Stupid Tetris.

I think it was Arnold Palmer’s Tournament Golf for Sega Genesis, easily 30 characters and case sensitive. Never ever wrote it down correctly.

My wife gets gas at 1/4 tank left. She had horrible family trip as a kid where they ran out in the desert.

By words, you mean fist to his face, right?

I’ve never bought anything from Starbucks. Recently, my step-daughter started working there and brings home food they are having to get rid of. The second the calendar hits the expiration date, those things turn into science experiments. It is fascinating that they haven’t killed people yet with food poisoning.

They saw an asset that could generate profits and give them a foundation in an area they feel they are lacking, not necessarily work.

If I'm remembering correctly, the plan wasn't that sophisticated. It was really quite simple, simple enough that it was overlooked. The Pentagon had war games drawn up based on a terrorist group that flew jetliners into buildings. It was dismissed as to farfetched because the DoD didn't understand the enemy. And we

They weren’t sophisticated. They were in plane site (ouch...), they just weren’t advertising the plan like ISIS/Daesch/IS/ISIL/whatever-their-name-is-today is by announcing they are hiding amongst the migrants.

How many lives were saved by that same fuel? As a Marine in an infantry battalion (Comm Platoon), I know how much those munitions delivered by your fuel means to the grunts.

My survival guilt goes out of control every year on this day at 8pm and I can’t shake it until my birthday (which thankfully is a few days away) where I drown myself in cake.

A lot of us sleep well, because we ignore people like you.

Should always flush old code. Just dump all the old pages and go fresh. It has been more than long enough, this is what, the 4th iteration of this format?

It was just a thought that seemed plausible to me. I’ve only got a 22 and this site does odd things anyways.

Windshields have wipers. So if there’s no wiper, then it not a windshield.

Basically, feelings > business sense around these blogs. Which is funny, because that is how that hot mess started.

I’m sorry, but you are far to down that rabbit hole for them to stop.

You haven’t been paying attention to college campuses and what is happening there have you?