Excuse me sir, I am a statistician...and after careful and tedious analysis, you did not really need me.
Excuse me sir, I am a statistician...and after careful and tedious analysis, you did not really need me.
Ain’t nobody buying it, bro, truth is undefeated.
Fuck this world man. Dickheads be dickheads, play on.
Don’t get ahead of yourself, homer.
Sure they could have stopped him..with a competent game plan, or adequate defense, or a few bucks for the officials to not call a foul for breathing oxygen near him, or a stabbing weapon, or...wait a second...do you realize that the pacers are the worst team in the playoffs second only to the raptors???!? That game…
I mean, look at your handle? Oh that’s neat. Hahaha! Gold bear, man, you crazee dood.
You do bro, you do.
Yeah, that’s probably why.
Irregardless of what you think, my useage of the word “literally” was 110% appropriate within the context of my reply, for all intensive purposes. Perhaps you arrived at your conclusion on accident? ;(
Yes, I believe that is a fair statement when Indiana is laying in prone position
Clearly there are several other less desirable body parts I could have chosen to describe Fart Wayne, metaphorically speaking. And clearly I was not talking about Terre Haute, North Vernon, Marion, the entirety of The Region (and not just due to proximity to Gary), Anderson, large sections of Indy which would include…
The “Fort” is literally the armpit of Indiana. The Nature Boy obviously ain’t sweatin’ it. That said, it does tarnish the 4 Horseman’s street cred...”whether you like us, or you don’t, we’re the BEST THING GOING TODAY, baby, 4 HORSEMAN...WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!”
Indied, he truely is an Mass turd.
Man, I have no idea what is going on there, but I will side with the crowd’s reaction to the dong and the upper decker.
Dood, if that pic was a shot on the opponents goal, that is the greatest marketing tool of all time. What a picture
I agree in part. Two out of three ain’t bad.
So you are employed by ND then? If so, that is a smokin’ hot take, Padre.
The only idiots are the ones watching it