Hey man, it just struck me, but you aren’t REALLY commenting on this, right? Like some hacked your account, or your kids got a hold of your celly-cell, sir some such plausible explanation?
Hey man, it just struck me, but you aren’t REALLY commenting on this, right? Like some hacked your account, or your kids got a hold of your celly-cell, sir some such plausible explanation?
As a dood that lives in Pence-land, i’ll tell you what....if you are scouring the land for a cogent, “bringing folks together” idea from this anus, you will be waiting long after your last breath. Like Ben Kenobi force ghost dooshbaggery, style. We are fucked several levels deep if you don’t shout at the top of your…
Your right to be a red blooded, ‘Merican man stopper is preserved, though, you just gotta be less of a fucking pussy, so don’t worry.
One count. One count!!?!?? All you god fearing program backers are as much or more a contributor to the proliferation of child endangerment and innocence Enders than the shitstains you have held nearest and dearest for lifetimes of humans. If there is a hell below, we’re all gonna go, but you first after me, you…
I keep thinking that I couldn’t be any more nauseous than the last super fucked up thing to come out of this abortion of justice and decorum, and then some microphallused shitbag from the organization that facilitated a child rape ring for DECADES pops off, and I get even more sickened by a world that will allow him…
“...and he got the watch on.”
W-w-what? Why? So confused...
This is still a competition that humans participate in? Song choice is an indicator that perhaps homo erectus has like, you know, uh, moved on, man.
Anything anyone does that is more heroic and awe-inspiring other than that hiker dood getting his arm caught between two rocks and amputating said arm with a pocket knife after spending nearly a week drinking his own piss is going to take a back seat.
More words.
Choices. folks make them. All of them.
Indeed, it truly was a sick finish
My man meat got a workout between that monster block and the 15 footer that started as a 22 footer for the win. Rocket sauce.
ERASED!!! Holy living fuck...
Chin to chest, great form, great fun. Wheee!!!
Flick has a nice ring to it.
...or a dog trying to shit a peach pit