
More words.



Choices. folks make them. All of them.

Indeed, it truly was a sick finish

My man meat got a workout between that monster block and the 15 footer that started as a 22 footer for the win. Rocket sauce.

ERASED!!! Holy living fuck...

Chin to chest, great form, great fun. Wheee!!!

Flick has a nice ring to it.

...or a dog trying to shit a peach pit

Nah, Ezra survives, but his “family” that he has embraced in this season...there will be at least one, or perhaps two, that won’t be coming down for breakfast after the finale of this season. I reckon it pushes him closer to the dark, but he will live to see another day riding the fence between the dark and the light.

Hey, hey, hey, tom, hey, tom, hey...quit leaving the Sudan, proliferation of processed meats, human trafficking, honey bee extinction, and the “Search for Richard Simmons” out of the conversation. Some human you are...

For real, nice to see Duke get tripped up. Time to get white boy wasted, K?

It is easy to predict the future an hour after it happened, right Nostradamus? Sheeeeeyoot....

Greeny might be a bitch and all that, but bagging on his spiritchild might be the most appropriate action here. Sorry youngster, but your team was working on borrowed time. Your “team” should not have been there in the first place. The flick that is your best player did more to ensure the loss than the blown call did.


Not so fast my other words, if my uncle had tits, you know what I’m sprayin’?

“I know of a luckier pass and end result”

It’s faaaaantastic.

I thought it was a Walgreens logo, thanks for pointing that out, makes a very very little more sense.