You can bet on it. BapBapBap. he like Anthony mason...
You can bet on it. BapBapBap. he like Anthony mason...
I’m pretty sure somebody slipped me a mickey or spit out their gum in my drank or some such despicable act...
Fuck soccer with zero lube. In the nose. Seriously. Futball sucks out loud. Quit fucking talking about it already. I’d rather pound salt up my ass than read one more blerg about this pussy bullshit nonsense. same goes for unspoken baseball rules and Russell Westbrook, Blake griffin, Johnny football, dickhead on the…
Even though Cornell has turned into a nostalgia ghost of greatness only known to those in the height of his powers, I often ponder, why did I think he had powers in the first place? IMO, he is fifth or sixth in the running for best frontmen of his “period”. Just ask Layne Staley...oops, sorry, it would be hard for him…
Or, the variant
Fuck sports. Right in the dirty penny.
gold jacket, green jacket
it clearly does factor, kudos to you, but the rape to professional success ratio is hard to ignore, people forget that...
Explain. Thanks.
Evidence that Kobe was a ball chucking cancer opportunist. Always hated his game, never did respect the “respect” he received from officials and peers. Fuck Kobe, always and forever. Peace be with you.
Thanks, I guess, for sharing your bowl of dicks?
If you are able to accomplish half as much in your life, you’ll be lucky to have some bastard read about your uneventful existence in the obits while that bastard moves his bowels. And the movement he excretes probably won’t even include the shit he liked to eat. You headline reading fuck...
Nah, ain’t nobody getting reached except for masters of panic and headline readers, and while they may try to correlate what they see on tv to “reality”, that is not empathy.
Not sure you were supposed to laugh. But you are not to blame. Satire is an efficient way to get you to think about shit you could give a fuck about. pretty soon, we’ll all have skin in the game, and I pray on the lives of my children that the majority of humans will think outside of the two foot halo around…
Alive. Neat word.
That’s some phoney baloney shit right there. chickenson was the best that they could come up with for that poor bastard to say? Dood was nearly laughing when he came into the ring hollering like a wwe ass hat...
Yeah, they should save all that taxpayer money up and buy a new stadium. Dummies...
Shit is weeeeaaak.
Fuck NFL owners. no lube. With a sawzall.
You have the best handle ever, IMO