
Or that will never, ever happen, ever, even in fiction. Good work.

so edgy. His comment and your post are not.

Irsay jokes are like watching flies fuck. You know it happens, but most folks don’t pay attention to the fact until the annoying end result.

You used “redic” in a sentence.

Every once in a while, I will read some shit hat totally exemplifies my thoughts, as though I wrote it. Like the author and I share a telepathic connection. Well anyhoo, this here blerg is the most spot on assessment of the Star Wars movies ever written, or at least, that I have ever read. you played a great job

The most adorable thing about this here post is that work was done to vet the story. Outstanding work. You earned a hug...and a C+ for giving a shit.

James Harrison would not agree, and if your opinion were a trophy, he would make you take it back. Forcefully.

Soooooo, what you are saying is, uh, that Matt Hasselbeck should NOT HIT it?

WWE (which stands for “Whatever Whatever Eeediots”) is like watching flies fuck. Walmart is looking for a greeter, apply for this position and maybe it will keep you mouth breathing knuckle draggers from eating your boogers in front of a device where you will pay to watch this mindless bullshit. I will head to church

Now playing

So, in a fit of vengeance on what I perceive as a micro aggression against the Floyd in the replies to this post, I offer more Floyd. I have been in the bottle here, so if my perceptions have produced an irrational response, my bad. If not, fall down the stairs. One, two, free, four...

Now playing

So, I know Brian price China syndrome is really fresh meat, but the abject irrationalism has to get some kind of honorable mention even though it is tough to find a recording. Robert Montgomery Knight gets lifetime achievement award based on any word that passes his face lips and gums (see rediculous video link as the

‘Born Ready’ will behave long enough to re-up, then he’ll turn back into the selfish knuckledragger we all know, love, and want him to be. It’s a win-lose, just like it should be. Lance Romance will not disappoint.

Just because it went OT does not mean it was good. Socrates logic aside, it pretty much was a microcosm of everything that is bad about the association. Ugly for the most part. Uneven officiating outshining uneven play. If deadspin had not posted a blurg about a decent night by AI as opposed to horseshit call on

Un-beeeee-lievable. Unbelievable. HST wrote Alongside Simmons??? The shroud of Turin just climbed a ring in my sphere of shit I believe in....naaaahhh, but that is still hard to swallow...

here's hoping that you found a new special someone to share your sackteria with. God bless you sir.

Now playing

Lots of shredding the bedding in '87. Metallica at the peak of their powers, rip. It's a cover, but that is of no consequence. Remember? Didn't think so...

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One of the best mashups ever, maybe the best cuz it's miles. If you don't have it, you can sneak it on the tube. he's taking a dirt nap, so it's cool if you don't buy it, cuz you don't have to. Neat.

Now playing

let's just admit that he'll is on earth and worship Beelzebub and eat the unborn...this song is rediculous by the way...experts at more than conjuring up disturbing images, best metal on the planet, and they do it live...

soooo, uhhh....Jimmy Irsay is sporting that really cool half moooatash look in the post game interviews. He prolly only took a half of an oxy todizzy.