How can that be the best video ever made when this is the best video ever made...
How can that be the best video ever made when this is the best video ever made...
Brett be the best keyboard operator in the pantheon.
Oops, forgot to post the article...…
I sense a pattern. It seems ol' Brucey has a history of being full of old shoes. He donut know dem dare rules folks, and donut want you to know about it.
Man, that tune did not suck in the least bit. There is a bit of a vacuum these days due to all the sucking, and I hope that everyone hears this song soon. This one is old, but it made me think stuff like the way I am thinking about stuff after hearing your party gift. Thanks for sharing!
Read em' and weep was her signature slogan...
ends with a whimper, but check this out for details on how you, mr rod steeuwart fan, can achieve the raspy smoothness of "the bod's" vocal strainings.
Shucks. I did not intend to reply to your comment. My bad. I am very disappointed with myself for my mistake. You actually sound like an asshole of the highest order, regardless of your age. I hope you are only 12 years old so you have an excuse for sounding like you are 12 years old. Btw, clever comeback, there,…
You sound like you are batshit crazy.
this makes two Maiden entries to DUAN in about as many weeks. I don't know if I should just take down my skivvies now and start feverishly pounding away, or perhaps wait until there is an official designated Maiden DUAN day so I have all week to fluff up. Can't wait until The M's make the pennant race so we can have…
or was it a Thing because Brett Farve wanted a fully blown penis? Chicken and the egg thing going on there, I like it.
Well lift my leg...Pam just force pushed that stormtrooper with a wave of her Jedi legal pad.
my life is in the toilet both personally and professionally based on the fact that a college educated individual earns a wage for determining if he is looking at a 75,000 year old photo of a dead athlete's hang down. What a world, what a world...
yeppers. Bears see things pretty much the way they are.
Well, he's gotta stare at something when his view to the training staff is obstructed.
You sound crazier than a shit house rat.
huh. I thought he changed it to Lick WalENDsa.
Oh, I thought it was Miss Connie Lingus, or perhaps her cousin Jenny Talia. You say potato...
these fuggers are the decemberists cool fucking cousins that Colin wished they were like. If you want to get all heady and shit, play like you got a hairy sack, already.
Yeah, floyds is out of Munster, in. As in Herman.