Or maybe YOU shouldn’t be wasting your time defending supposedly intelligent adult journalists on the internet...
Or maybe YOU shouldn’t be wasting your time defending supposedly intelligent adult journalists on the internet...
It absolutely is a fair comparison because they’re both open world RPGs where exploration, conversations, and questing are the name of the game.
Why do you think you can’t compare them because one is better than the other?? That’s the whole point of comparison...Unless you realize a game that came out 2 years ago is…
Except you can turn on and off whatever you want in Smash Bros, did you not know this???
Yeah Blizzard used to be what you looked forward to on April Fools. I honestly really believed they were making “World of Starcraft” and I was super-pumped for it!
This year it’s a heartstone card?? What’s even the joke?? Your quest finishes as the card dies??
Cuz not everyone is as miserable as you!!
Sadly, these people giving up that boycott was the nail in the coffin for gaming.
Now EA charges you just to host a server.
Rofl thank you for your quest to find the truth!! Let’s hope someone pretends to be a pilot on a blogger site to help you find the truth that the lead flight attendant is the boss on the plane...
There are airborne peanuts??
Rainwater and dew are NOT distilled water?! You have no idea what you are talking about!!
Distilled water is water devoid of minerals and all other contaminants. Rainwater is full of water the cloud is and the dew is full of water it forms on. These are not sources of distilled water!!
And since you didn’t read the…
Science, this is a well known fact about purified water. No one should be drinking distilled water.
Pretty sure he was referencing your coverage of this game coming to a close being an end of an era, only to have the pay to play phone version launching the next day...
Lol it sounds like you already stopped playing this game since you have to “remember” the connection issues not being that bad.
Well they are. Matches collapse as players rage-quit, which they do after their first death in a duel. You fail to join matches more than you do join them and then get dumped in the main menu
Lol I’ve been participating in the blackout two weeks after launch!
Between the broken server connections, broken characters, and everyone running away like a chump the fun factor just wasn’t there
You almost had a star for me, until you mentioned Pewdiepie...
Cuz “Death to all Jews” is such a joke. We really need to learn to be more tolerant of opposing view-points these days.
Nothing like watching a bunch of grown men flail around for charity.
Well we certainly knew this article was coming from the Kotaku staff...
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime was Microsofts last month?!? What is this garbage!
This picture pretty much sums up my time with Destiny.
Lol I think you have a skewed view of how this election took place.
We as gamers need to criticize the medium.