I really hope those two are known as “Winnie and Gwinnie” to their friends and acquaintances.
I really hope those two are known as “Winnie and Gwinnie” to their friends and acquaintances.
Just go, kick Kissinger in the balls, and get tossed out.
Leaving aside the presence or absence of cynicism in my take on this particular thing, can I just take a moment to express the hatred I feel for non-journeys being described as journeys? It’s not a “weight loss journey,” it’s a diet. Obviously anyone dealing with cancer can call it whatever the hell they want, but…
Not anymore. Shit's all day now! All. Day.
Try convincing a Utah judge of that.
They are very nice shoes. They don't appear to fit her, but y'know...details.
It's a damn shame Britney's shoes didn't come in her size.
It was a rough one to lose. Deadwood was around the same time and hurt me just as badly. Sonsabitches.
With a bikini pic of Marla Maples somewhere nearby.
Anyone who lives in or near LA knows that Zankou is the real shit.
Yeah, but mentally?
Because it's long been used as a justification for persecuting, killing, torturing, and otherwise fucking with Jews. So yeah, they're a little sensitive about it.
A muscley human couch doesn't even look comfortable. There are some body parts that could probably be pretty comfy for some furniture applications under the right circumstances, but this does not appear to be that.
I’m with you on this. She has also managed to make the Christmas-season listening environment even shittier. Also, the diva schtick sucks. Just coming up with a new way to say "I'm an asshole and I get to be because I make a lot of people a lot of money" doesn't make you less of an asshole.
Yup. Libertarians seem not to have much of a grasp on the concept of negative externalities.
Of course approximately half of people will be below average intelligence and/or knowledge. The idea is to get the average up.
Well, I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but while I am definitely libertarian on social issues, I think the Libertarian Party is absolutely moronic on economic issues. They take as a matter of faith that economic forces will reach a benign equilibrium if left unregulated. I agree that those forces will reach…
But Donald Trump and Marla Maples divorced in 1999, which wouldn't leave a lot of time for Ashley Judd to have been dealing with Donald Trump if her estimate that she'd known him for 15-17 years is accurate.
Republican base? Make that bootie-bumping.
I agree. If I had to fuck a sandwich - like had to - I'd definitely choose the one on the left, for pure moisture if nothing else.