So, apparently when I drove from CMH to MCO this past christmas, it actually cost me $815, not the $215 that I actually paid. Interesting.
So, apparently when I drove from CMH to MCO this past christmas, it actually cost me $815, not the $215 that I actually paid. Interesting.
May I ask how/what you used in order to move the URL & menubar to the titlebar?
This is also not the first time they have posted a lengthy post on this exact. same. service. Last time they lured us in by saying we could get our dna mapped for free! However, once you clicked on the post you quickly realized it was nothing but a sham.
So when I entered "movie:thor" (while I was signed into google on my laptop, so it knew my current location), it gave me a list of movie theaters from the thriving metropolis of Thor, Iowa. Haha, fail.
I'm currently interviewing for jobs and every single time I am asked this question I think about that Family Guy scene in my head and smile.
So when you search for something using their 'Search' box on, all it does it redirect you to, which according to WOT is a poorly reputable site, and has nothing to do with what you are searching for.
I was an honor student, so scheduling was never an issue for me, and as far as being in a lecture hall with 'hundreds' of people (I was in maybe four different classes that had no more than 150 people, if that) then yeah, if that's going to be an issue for you then a large school might not be the best fit for you.…
Yeah, like another commenter noted, the author of the article failed to mention that the $50/month is PER LOAN.
So based on your logic, you think people who go to school to become doctors and nurses, like myself, are just suckers then, huh? I feel sorry for people like you who go to community college because you don't want to spend the money because the college experience between the two types of colleges is night and day. The…
..but it's 90 minutes long! It'd be fabulous if they also had like a 'cliff notes' version.
Nice! A positive plug about my alma mater, which is hard to come by these days :/
I'm in the medical field, so I'm generally aware of those studies you're referring to, but I'd also like to point out that you can find studies that show how (almost) anything that we do/do not eat will shorten your lifespan, so it's just a matter of personal choice as is everything in life. An excessive amount of…
Homo sapiens have been meat eaters for thousands of years, to even suggest that 50% of the population should/could become vegetarian in even half of that time is ludicrous. The amount of evolutionary time and economic effort it would take for that to happen is insurmountable and potentially devastating.
My thoughts exactly..
Very cool - thanks!
Ask any recently circumcised newborn how well sugar acts to relieve pain.. (they have sugar water rubbed onto their gums prior to beginning)
Would something like this be possible with a CSS tweak or no? I like the idea of this, but I'd like to cut back on the # of extensions I use.
So, when comparing all the features of all the different email services available for you to choose from, having the ability to use your own background image was the deciding factor?
This man is obviously not Italian or (insert other stereotypically hairy nationality).
How come they only list the top 6 slowest performers now? When this article was originally posted it showed the top 25 or something; also, Firebug and FoxLingo have flip-flopped positions.