
The Constitution only means something if there is someone with the power to enforce it. The longer the Trump regime goes on, the fewer of those people there will be. All he needs to do is to disenfranchise a few million Democratic voters, stack a few key courts with lackeys, and the Constitution is a dead document.

Might as well go for broke and throw an “as a woman” or “as a black woman” in there.

Her role is one female black friend

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

I assume it will involve comparing the skin on your forearm to paint chips or something of the sort.

So, um, if there was widespread voter fraud, does that mean we get a do-over on the election? Asking for a friend named America.

Let this be a lesson for all you men out there. When someone questions the very essence of masculinity, immediately cram your panties up your asshole and fire off a poorly written email about why your panties all bunchy and uncomfortable.

I’m gonna send him a fainting couch...filled with nails.

The most recent picture of Sen. Steve Nass.

Somebody needs to get this delicate flower into a safe space.

“Georgie, this man is in charge of the treasonous, violent, hilbilly tax cheats Daddy was telling you about.”

OMG the fb comments on this when you go to DeadBart or Daily Caller are hilarious meltdowns. “Fire him!” “I can’t believe the University aloud this” “This is what colleges teach everywhere now” “Can you imagine the backlash if he said black genocide!?”

This was my thoughts exactly! Are the Neo Nazis so weak that they need political correctness to protect their wittle fee fees? Should we send them a therapy dog to hug, the poor dears?

It seems the Nazi “Alt” right are the ones in actual need of safespaces and whose feelings are easily hurt.

For him to have a breakdown, he has to start at sane.

I’m mostly concerned that the Supereme Court will fail to strike down laws and orders which chip away at the amendments (well, some of them - not the 2nd.)

Because these voters really have their only pride and self worth tied up in their shitty, horrible, thankless, back breaking, life-shortening jobs, and truly think they’re being disloyal to their families histories of being shit on and pushed into early graves if they say hey, I want something else and something

If you would have told me A few years ago that the phrase “Mitt Romney being considered for Secretary of State” would be comforting I would have laughed in your face. But here we are. Here we are

if it helps: he probably can’t either

Step 1. Go on Twitter and whine about the mean theater people.