You mean deep south Alabama? There’s a sign that claims it’s Florida, but it’s just more Alabama.
You mean deep south Alabama? There’s a sign that claims it’s Florida, but it’s just more Alabama.
Easy. 2/5 of the state is southern Georgia. 1/10th is Southern Alabama. The rest of it is actual Florida
Don’t tell my cousin the Cop. He and his cop buddies are always whining about BLM are the real terrorists on facebook. His endlesss stream of alt-right bullshit has made me want to unfriend numerous times, but I see the value in seeing what all these cops say to each other on Facebook. Usually it’s fucking…
I’m a parent, and I’m more concerned that noone went up to him and said “WTF?”. Dumbasses gonna dumbass. People do dumb shit all the time. Let his ass get punched, confronted, fined or sued, jail time for something like this at a public convention where dude is obviously doing a stream is just as fucking dumb as him…
I had a coworker who was like this. I called it the prey mentality. If you look for slight everywhere, you’re going to find it.
I live in Decatur. I am not surprised. I have only lived here for 8 months.
Not surprising. RI is still essentially mob run. At least they gave us Coffee Milk.
Supergirl has been having some success with the overly political tone? I thought the general hamfisted manner in which Supergirl was “handling” things was the one thing that both sides could agree was pretty awful. I myself stopped watching after the break this season. It was just...BAD. There’s the smart way to…
Half agree. Pandora’s box is already open. “Gun Control” is a useless political platitude buzzword(it didn’t used to be). Nothing ever gets done, and we are fully at critical mass on guns in this country, nevermind that printing a fully automatic weapon can’t be more than 5 years off. It’s beyond time for ammunition…
Yeah, but canon wise, the PH can be knocked over by a stiff breeze. Valkyrie’s don’t have that problem.
I really tried to get into this game on the Xbox, but I gave up after about 5 hours. Just wasn’t my game.
Not really. When he first started out in the klik community, he put out great stuff. He left the community a number of years ago, and that’s when he started making the games everyone is now familiar with.
Gigas. Not sure if you’ll see this, but you got it dude. You made it like this for a reason.
Finally someone else who gets it.
I know I’m late. But you used the word Autocrat. You are a coffee milk heathen.
I know I’m late. But you used the word Autocrat. You are a coffee milk heathen.
No Express Love? I am saddened.
And they are required by trademark law to or risk losing it. But look at the history of the big ones. The Zelda fan film comes to mind. They let the project complete, let it disseminate, then hit it with the DCMA 24 hours later. Compare that with Square who comes down like a ton of bricks at the slightest whiff of…
If Nintendo didn’t want you to play it, they would have DCMA’d it well before 48 hours after release, after the patch. AM2R has been well known for years.
Maybe this will be worth getting. The other packs have been...lackluster to say the least.
It’s Roger Goodell, clearly