
Is everyone ignoring that they waited until 24 hours after launch to DCMA? Just like with the Zelda fan film, and other games. They give it 24 hours to let the internet get their copies going, then DCMA the source, but not the mirrors (unless high profile), ensuring these things live on in forums and the like.

God. That Doom riff. Still love it

That would be fantastic. I wish they would remaster one of those old levels again. I know this is kind of the antithesis of the current run, but a super small, tight level like the suburbia in BM would be fantastic with this new engine. The Icon mission in sapienza got close.

Ooh, is this their response to the nevada/oregon standoffs?

Do this, but make it like Doom RPG

He'd probably make a good cuck lol

No, it wouldn't. Forcing Kap to stand would make him a hypocrite. Criticizing Kap doesn't.

You misspelled libtard.

you misspelled libtard.

Gawker has been killing itself slowly for the last few years anyway

I've been using it on Southwest for years, and it's kind of great. But Southwest has live TV and cartoon network for my kids.

This is Nintendo’s MO. Give the project 24 hours to disseminate through the net, then DCMA it. They have to have been aware of this project (over 6 years in dev). They handle it in the perfect way I think.

You’re discounting other things. The movie itself, sure it’s theatrical run isn’t going to cover those costs. But the (Dvd/Streaming/merchandising) rights (together) will make them (go over even) beyond our wildest dreams.

Think of it as a live action Real Ghostbusters with a bit more “reality” and you’ll be fine.

Do you suppose this is because of the disappointing release of the 3rd installment?

Oh Dammit, I want to like this more than I do. We get Super C but not Contra. No Castlevania 3. We get great 1st party games, but the 3rd party stuff could use more variety. It’d be genius if they released a card with 30 additional games for it. ( Or someone inevitably adds an sd slot)

No, the lasers were only the triggers for the hundreds of pipebombs on the floor.

Never did much care for the GO games. I’ll probably skip this one.

Cue death threats in 3 2...

This “bad” publicity is more publicity than they had before. There is no such thing as bad publicity for someone starting from the bottom.