More like a Ghostbusters 2016, shuffling around some numbers to make it not look like it lost too much money. In Sony’s case this was justified as “increased brand awareness and merchandising”. In this case, “brought in new subscribers”.
More like a Ghostbusters 2016, shuffling around some numbers to make it not look like it lost too much money. In Sony’s case this was justified as “increased brand awareness and merchandising”. In this case, “brought in new subscribers”.
As a native Rhode Islanda, I appreciate the NE pronunciation note.
Eh, China’s ship it whenever the hell we want wreaks havoc on JIT (The universal supply chain lie) unless you buffer with local warehousing, plus the random shutting down of production that happens all the time with CN based suppliers is also having many Global managers rethinking.
Of course they do. Persecution complex is a big box that needs to be checked to be a “real” american.
I’m sitting here in Huntsville and like, why the fuck did you not spend that money here, especially as the housing squeeze is now pushing out lots of black people. You could have actually helped fight racial gentrification in a heavily black populated area, but whatever.
I seriously doubt it. He’s going to keep getting paychecks for years if he’s got a syndication deal. He was one of only 3 relatively known leads. It’s a toss up between him and George. Wendi didn’t really have the widespread public knowledge. I’ll bet he’s got a pretty decent deal out of it.
As a man, I have stopped at some Rest stops to take a leak and been disturbed by the things I’ve walked in on at some of the smaller rest stops. I’m all for letting you do whatever, but not in the public bathroom please. This was mostly in the Midwest. I think western Wyoming was multiple times across multiple…
Holy shit, I had never even known about any of these.
Fucking seconded. This type of shit always happens here.
This 1000x. John Archibald is the whole reason this even ended up on the radar and he deserves the credit. Jalopnik could at the very least follow 1 link to the real source, but that would require more effort.
Down here, it’s only a problem if Mississippi is ahead of us.
I honestly think nothing will happen because the DoJ is afraid of the quidiots starting a war.
She’s not. She is highly intelligent, but the type who convinces themselves of their own bullshit, even if their own bullshit is just stuff regurgitated from absolute morons. Once it comes out of their mouth, it’s suddenly “smart”, and then they stage a public career (or comeback in Mayim’s case) and their idiot…
You’re a terrible person. Plain and simple. You seeth hatred.
But they coopted CRT to confuse the issue intentionally. Real CRT isn’t taught, but now ANY discussion of race has been branded CRT by the usual suspects. That’s why they say “You’re LYING” when you say it’s not being taught. Only a relative small percentage of people know that they are essentially two different…
This 1000 times. This has been happening for 5 years, how long was this a “dirty little secret” of this town? 5 fucking years for anyone to even attempt to push back on it and only because it got press. This shit should have been called out as soon as it started happening. There’s got to be at least a civil case for…
Oh look, sanctamonius asshole who groups everyone one together because of their skin color and an advocation for the murder of them and their children because of skin color. Where have I heard this before? Go be a terrorist somewhere else, maybe ISIS could use your seething hatred.
What kind of nonsense strawman is this? Stolen car? Getting pulled over, it’s a damn stolen car.
The death throws of American “conservatism”. It’s become increasingly obvious in the last decade that they are shrinking demographically. They are being out aged, out populated, and generally sidelined. Consequently, they’re getting louder and more bold. GOP’s naked attempts to institute minority rule, naked racism,…
None of these chucklefucks know what CRT is and that’s by design. Chris Rufo explained his plan in March of this year. To make CRT the name by which various “Cultural insanities” would be grouped under. “Cultural insanities” like interracial marriage that was still illegal in 13 states by the time that the Supreme…