
It’s kind of amazing how she runs the fox news bottle blonde playbook to a T. She seems only to exist to say the type of things about black people that blonde talking heads at Faux said for years, but with an added air of legitimacy and level of deflection from “fake outrage social activist” critics

I live near there, times have very much changed there.  And not in the good way.

And if we take the drivers story at his word, how long until the cop “feared for his life”? While flailing after being pepper sprayed, and his hands just happen to move a little too quick? If we take the story at the drivers word, this cop already escalated the situation for no real reason.

And handily stomp out the cheap “winning!” points by republicans that “She hasn’t gone to the border” that was frankly completely fucking obvious was coming. From there she could have went to Guatamala and then her “root cause” comment and stories of grandma leaving could have come from the actual border.  Instead,

I dunno, this seems a little too 4D chess; like a more believable Q theory.  As you said, we’ll see, but I’m banking on them not wanting to set a precedent, much like they’re arguing for the Barr memo.

What the fuck are you going on about? This kid wasn’t even in this guys class. You’re also convienetly forgetting the the old “monkey” racist stereotype. It’s pretty fucking clear this wasn’t some “innocent mistake”. He singled out a black child not even in his class and called him an animal, and then brought up

What the actual fuck.

Would you kindly fuck off?  This is a damn viral video.  I saw this shit days ago on reddit I think.  It’s everywhere.  Just cause someone posted it in the comments of an article doesn’t mean shit.  Quit being the “well actually” fucknut because you’re likely way off base.  Are you going to start demanding the history

For me, she just doesn’t have the history yet. Part of the strength of these Marvel movies is they’ve got decades of stuff to pull from in most cases, and a decent amount of casual awareness. Riri, well I know she exists and beyond that I know nothing about her. I think it’s kind of emblematic of the issue the entire

Oh, so now we’re playing the “What if” game? What if he had hesitated, and she had plunged that knife into the other girls guts? What if after that she lunged after the officer with that knife? We’d have 2 dead kids. This officer responded to a deadly threat with deadly force. No excessive firing of shots, no cries of

As sad as this is, this is exactly how police are trained to react when there is an active threat against people. She was ready to stab another person. While this cop took someone’s life, it was in defense of another life. That girl in pink would have likely been dead without this cop. a two inch stab wound is enough

It was intentional. It’s not redemption from his own actions, but retribution from being held to the standards of “the left”. He will be the “bigger man” in the “PC world” claiming that it was “a different time.”.  Regardless of these changing standards, he will “play by their rules”.

Got to appeal to the evangelicals. Nothing makes them respect you more than carrying a metaphorical cross and self crucifying yourself at the drop of the hat. The next page in the playbook is to “Ask for God’s forgiveness, and he gave it to me.” He then transforms into an “Unapologitic Christian” externally, while

Good Luck Charlie was the only Disney sitcom show I could stand. It was a slightly disneyfied classic 90's family sitcom. It was good for that. Everything else was just full disney sitcom, which is only marginally better than full Netflix sitcom.

Take a star you magnificent bastard.

Water is for breathing right?

The problem is that balls shrink with age.  More guns is the only acceptable proxy.

His entire capaign was “I’m Coach Tuberville, and I stand with Trump!”.

No no no.

I was going to use a shorter word that starts with s, but sure.