The only reason I have premium is because I had a PS Now subscription, and I’m glad because it’s definitely not worth the $20 premium (heh)
The only reason I have premium is because I had a PS Now subscription, and I’m glad because it’s definitely not worth the $20 premium (heh)
I don’t think they engender pro-military feelings, I just think it’s gross to idealize America’s history of destabilizing sovereign nations, and portray the American military as some sort of savior for developing nations.
Yeah, that sounds frustrating. On the PS4 there was always a warning when something in the background needed to be closed; it would be kept open until you said "yes please close this so I can open this other thing"
...Wait, what?
Here’s a weird anti-feature that everyone forgets:
It’s crazy how bad the PS Store has gotten. Feels like I see less shovelware on the main pages of the eShop, even. (The eShop definitely has more shovelware in general, but I feel like it's not promoted as often as on the PS Store.)
The headline had me real concerned until I reached the explanation
Same. I’ve unlocked the vast majority of cosmetics without spending any money (besides the Pink Mercy charity skin).
I think the emphasis was on “legitimately,” as in a live service game that actually has all of its live service trappings in place.
“Honestly the couple of people I know who play on dedicated gaming platforms and who also play on their phone have unchecked ADHD combined with other issues”
Play Before Your Eyes. Please. Take an hour and play it, because it's just the most beautiful thing ever
Same. Almost every site praised the Nemesis system but I didn’t care about it at all. People were like, “Dynamic storytelling!” But I was like, “... But actually dynamic naming?”
This is a problem for me now that I'm at the end game and massively overleveled, because enemies no longer engage me on their own so I'm not fighting *anything* lol
The infrastructure isn’t an issue for *you*, but for the majority of people internet speeds/latency/etc aren’t there yet
Same on Android.
Everyone deserves to play Before Your Eyes.
Quick correction: only the Ash of War version of Glintstone Pebble (the one you can attach to weapons) was nerfed. The standalone spell is untouched.
I usually refuse to grind, but I’m doing all of the quests for a certain “settlement” to get fastest run speed. By the time I finish it I’m pretty sure the game will be done and I won’t have any use for it, but I'm doing it on principle.
Gems! Craft gems whenever you can. If you haven't found the materials for a certain level of a gem for a long time, check the next level—you can skip levels, and you might have already collected enough for the next one!
Eh, I found most of the mechanics useful, but I also ran through things pretty fast so I was largely underleveled. (Until chapter 5, when I did all the side quests and became way too overleveled lol.)