Shabaab Kamal

It’s interesting because I feel like 3D Zelda “clones” were pretty common until the mid 2000s, but fairly quickly stopped coming out. Though I suppose that tracks with the entire industry losing interest in character action games in general during that period.

I’m almost impressed that they’re carrying over some purchases from previous platforms. Like, that’s the obvious thing to do, but I had zero faith that Sony would do it lol

Uh, I’m pretty sure you can’t just install Gears 5 on your phone lol.

As someone who’s really into data analysis and social justice, I think something like this could be a useful tool... In the hands of a capable, diverse team lead by minorities, who understand that diversity is more than a sufficiently well-distributed demographic chart

This happens in most esports. Esport leagues usually don’t apply patches in the middle of a season/split/tournament, because they don’t want players to need to learn new stuff, and also because they don’t want to risk introducing *new* problems. If they notice any exploits or bugs in the middle of a tournament, they

Oh wow, you’re totally right! And just like that, my ADHD is gone!

That’s an amazing name, too

I know it’s not your fault, Eric, but I wish we got transcripts of these videos (or article versions) so I could actually engage with your content. I can't really watch videos, especially when there aren't playback speed options lol

That’s a bit of hyperbole for an unintended interaction with one environmental surface

I mean, this is an entirely new map that literally just exited alpha testing lol

Look, I’m sure he’s typical executive scum

They never officially said when the PvP will come out of beta. 

I mean, all the gameplay footage I saw looked like PS3 games at best. 

While that’s possible, there have been a lot of reports of Ubi giving poor support to its less well known studios, either by constantly changing demands or not giving enough material/staff support. I'm willing to better they didn't give enough support.

Can’t find a source on total sales, but it had the best launch month out of any game in the series:

I’m glad they’re holding onto Outriders. I think it has a lot of potential and nailed some important stuff (weapon mods, upgrade tree, world tier system, general gun feel). I just hope SE gives it enough attention/resources for it to succeed.

It’s a shame that the Indian studios lost their first big game. It’s rare for Ubi’s Asian studios to get top billing for *anything*, since they’re usually used as asset/side quest farms for games headed by other studios (Assassin’s Creed, Watch Dogs, etc). A big IP like this could have been a great way to get the

Have their Japanese studios really underperformed?

I mean... Given their expectations for these studios, I understand the sale. They clearly wanted gangbusters, crazy sales numbers, and weren’t getting them... So they decided they’d rather spend their money elsewhere.

While I agree the scoreboard needed to be changed, I *really* don’t like this. It’s going to lead to tons of toxicity mid-match.