Shabaab Kamal

While you’re right in those points, I think demos are sufficiently pro consumer to justify those points.

I loved your work at Inverse and LOVED your work at Destructoid, so I’m really pumped to see you here!!

I don't feel like watching the video but I totally agree. Those fucking homing arrows the size of my entire character!

I m ean, define “excessive.” A lot of women suffer from cramps and other pain that affects their ability to function without endometriosis or a more severe diagnosis. “Excessive pain” is the norm for many (if not most) women, but they just keep on trucking because they don’t have much choice.

I mean

In addition, some large law firms won’t ask for any money up front, but will take a percentage of any settlement or damages. Especially when it comes to social issues like this.

Seems like a bug where she’s hitting you on the host player’s instance, but you’re not seeing the hit on your end. I imagine it happens with other bosses who heal on hit, and people are just noticing it the most with Malenia.

Utada recently came out as non-binary, she uses both she/her and they/them

Why are y'all so cranky

DYING@ snatch you by your edges and drag you to hell lol

How does it rob you of that moment? It still happens, just a few minutes later.

The Wii U was easily the best party console ever

They were *really* pitchy. Like, straight up struggling to find the key for the entire SAC clip. Face my Fears was a little better.

Don’t you dare talk shit about Roberta Bondar

“hey, if we didn’t come around, these poors wouldn’t have ANYTHING to do! we’re CONTRIBUTING while we exploit, thank you very much!”

Defense was cut as a category a long time before role queue. It happened in large part because players would get upset if someone played a defense character on attack. The devs were trying to address that problem, when they realized that the game had evolved to the point where the attack/defense distinction was no

nice strawman!

Nah, I don’t think that’s a good enough answer, and I think it kind of misses the point.

I’ll push back on that a little. OW actually has a decent amount of ethnic diversity. 13 heroes of color (out of 32) including some less represented groups like indigenous Australians, Nigerians, and Haitians. And they do a decent amount of research for those characters, making them pretty authentic in multiple ways.

Paladins added in-game ads a while back, and it hasn’t really bothered people. They’re totally optional, just watch a video ad and get some extra currency or something like that. (Like a lot of mobile games. ) It’s very unobtrusive and doesn't bother people who don't want ads—hopefully these are similar.