After all that, “A Florida Man is Still Missing....”
After all that, “A Florida Man is Still Missing....”
Be one of the first on your block to own a Carrera. It includes 4 matching lightweight wheels and a fabric roof. Inside there is a TV for your enjoyment while the Carrera’s state of the art cruise control system will keep you moving at your desired speed. Complete safety is insured with built in airbags.
Cosby’s earlier records (Noah’s Arc for example) were great. I haven’t heard any CK’s albums, but I do like his older HBO specials. There’s also Al Franken, who I believe got thrown under the bus with all the rest. I get it that many folks dont want to patronize these guys, but still, they did exist.
Oh you guys! Why all this arguing, it’s not like someone is a Trump loving republican. We’re all on the same team, after all, right?
First the Jan 6 insurrection, now this!
I guess, fortunately, it crashed into the exercise room, which never gets used anyway.
yeup. >$700 and lots of time and effort, much easier to just buy veggies. Its like a fisherman that spends thousands on special gear, rods, nets, sonar, whatever, so he gets free fish.
How fast would pot grow in this thing?
its a hot mess for sure. Still he should have (maybe did) gotten at least 1 warning to clean it up. Could be a fire hazard or other dangerous situation that violated the insurance terms. Also, the drone could have been flown bay anyone, and posted online. Perhaps the next door neighbor that was pissed about the mess.…
I feel betrayed. The titles clearly state ‘Real Housewives of... ‘ and thats apparently misleading and untrue
so not too much NEW stuff on the ‘Flix. What is all the membership $$ going to?
I think there already is a sequel. I believe its called ‘Ender’s Game’. (which is a much better book than a movie)
Is today April 1?
You say tomato, I say tomato...
This is a feature, not a bug.
that must be why the kids all look so effin fat. :)
Well there’s that, assuming you really have kids.
Hopefully we can still take as many free samples as we can carry, right? I learned this trick, you get to the front of the line and take a sample for yourself, one for the spouse and one for your mom, one each for your 3 kids and another one for your brother in law that’s watching the kids. Walk away and eat them all!