OhNo Hawaiian
OhNo Hawaiian
And SpaceX
That auction was a good way to lure the roaches out and find out who’s responsible. So now the owner is known she can pay the maintenance and dock fees until sanctions are lifted. Then maybe get the boat back.
well, im perpetually in the greys for some reason
Oh, the Hugh Manatee!
I’ve done my share of drinking, so I would think 2 glasses of wine the night before departure (lets say 7 hours) should be enough time to get the BAC back to 0 or .02 at least. This guy is lying.
its not for me, but im thinking that price is reasonable for a running classic.
Yeah the cat videos and the...wait, WHAT?
This is one of those cars is really nice shape but who cares. I rented one of these way back then and this car couldn’t get out of its own way. Barely make it up relatively mild hills with 2 passengers.
so I cut a $150/month cable & internet bill and now pay $90 for all the above streaming services, plus $60 for internet. Where am I?
$12 food credit at the airport will get some almonds and a coffee, not much more.
4th. And so a German company wants to sell a vehicle that’s filled with hydrogen? Ohhhh the humanity!
This looks like something I’d like. All the older movies mentioned in this article were very well done. Black Dynamite, and anything with Richard Pryor. I’m hoping that the language is not too bad though. When every sentence has to include ‘mother f**ker’ it gets tiring after a while.
A lot of money for sure, but this WILL BE (if not already) a collectable BMW. I had a 2003 e39, but automatic. I wish i had the M with manual, I’d have kept it. So maybe a little on the high end, but this could be a reasonable price if it check out.
I was under the impression this AHS season’s title was: “American Horror Story: Jumping the Shark” . Look, I’ve been a huge fan of this series from the beginning, but Hotel was the last one thats any good.
Give credit where credit is due :)
;tldr I’ll watch it at home on my 80 inch screen and that will be that.
iPhones do this for free. Not sure about Android, but I suspect they do.
iPhones do this for free. Not sure about Android, but I suspect they do.
Hey y’all, lets go down and explore the remains of the Titanic. Don’t worry, this mission won’t last too long.
She’s partly right. Reality TV is ‘supposed’ to show unscripted, actual real life situations. That built right into the name. So there’s no talent required, just some kind of personality.