Lets break this down. “definitely or probably consider purchasing subscription-based services” the key word is consider. Take that word out and ask again.
Lets break this down. “definitely or probably consider purchasing subscription-based services” the key word is consider. Take that word out and ask again.
I kinda still have mine, but lost the charger and the battery’s long dead. It’s part of my tech museum now.
It seems like a fun show. I’ll skip the lines at Barbie-Heimie and see this instead
Dune Deux
Well I don’t know much about that, but I do know this. That Chinese magic cleaner makes a very good dessert topping!
Unfortunately, this is a fair and typical price. And I like this one too.
And how many DB of noise are the big trucks and buses? At least Car washes only operate from about 7 am till 7 pm. Trucks fly be all night
Im worried about people flying in and out too.
yeah, well ‘Black Friday’ might be on the way out soon enough. Not so woke. Same with January White Sale. We just cant have nice things anymore.
Went on a limb and said NP. It doesn’t need CA smog, so thats a plus right there. It has a stick and its yellow, so thats 2 more +s. The price is slightly high, but I think an offer of $11,500 might get this.
When I was 8, I saw ‘Yellow Submarine’ in the theater. I thought it was a kids cartoon, and maybe the parents thought so too. Little did we know the deeper meaning in the blue Meanies. All summer I kept telling everyone ‘I’ve got a hole in me pocket’.
OK, well this deluge is said to dump >300,000 gallons during liftoff, which is maybe a minute of time? I suspect the Colorado river is not even flowing 300,000 gallons a minute. So, yeah, its similar forces.
Right. And thousands of gallons of water at very high pressure wont do so much damage? There’s a big hole in southern central Arizona that begs to differ.
I hear there are rare space invader aliens falling along the Tour de France route right now...
And none of these are Nissan Z cars.
And just wait till Hyundai release their new rear-engine sports coupe, the 811 that looks kinda like....
well, not really in this case. A ticket to travel is not a hard asset and is (usually) illegal to resell. Its a contract, not real property. But either way, what the airline did was arguably illegal. Detaining the passenger while asking the parents to buy a full fare ticket. Sounds like a kidnap for ransom case.
done that too, round trip LAX to JFK is way cheaper then one way either direction.
this has always been a fairly common hack. And its in the ticket fine print that there can be consequences, including future travel bans on that airline or flight route. I don’t think the airline had a right to detain the passenger for ransom.
Perhaps in his defense, the show looked and sounded a lot better from the audience’s perspective.