2 day old sushi

Well some idiots can do whatever they want. Or else we wont have a TikTok to laugh at each day

Well, my god, these men were heros, I tell you. HEROs!!!!  

I suppose those farmers will move on out to Nebraska and such places where the soil and weather is better for, you know, farming.

its a fair price for someone that wants this car, one of which, I am not.

I was on a Viking cruise about 6 months ago. Can’t speak for others, but the staff on that boat were continually wiping down all these surfaces. (Its a river boat cruise, so much smaller) I felt quite safe in that regard. Going again in November also on #Viking. That said, there is always the possibility of catching

If this is legit, I’m impressed. My initial thought though, was that the AI looks all over Google for a similar drawing, or a composite of similar drawings to present back to the OP. That said, AI can’t copyright something (there is no owner) so stuff like this would be open source, royalty free illustrations.

Well lookie here, Chandrayaan-3,the Taj-Mahal of the moon all shiny and gold.

Viking Cruises dont have a buffet. So I am surprised this came up on a Viking ship. So agree, it must have been caught on a shore excursion.

What episode was that? Gonna have see for myself.

Maybe because Apple already has something called thread, that they use for home automation and smart devices?

I pretty much agree. The additional point I’d add is that specific (real) men wouldn’t demand anything of a specific woman. Im speaking for myself (a man), but the sentiment (should) go both ways. I have a picture in my mind and heart of what Im looking for. If/when I see a woman that matches most of this picture, Im

See now I’ve always thought that the Celsius was just another way to confuse Americans who were used to Fahrenheit. Now that we have such hot days coming up (see other articles) when the weather is shown in C then we dont really get a feel how hot it really is. Its freakin’ HOT today.  Good to get this guy outta here.

a6400 is a great camera & Im not knocking APS-C at all. I was considering that model too, but went with the 7c. The size and weight are nearly the same, but the 6400 was about half the price. But my point is that this now model costs about the same as a 7c and I dont see an advantage anymore.

no, actually I checked it out from the school library, then I guess when the term ended I forgot to return it. So its been preserved under some organic material in my closet for a decade.

cars do that trick too.

Moped gangs of Mackinac”.

PRetty sure it’s ok to use an e-bike if you are filming a TikTok video and doing donuts at the street corner. 

Why get an APS-C, when for the same money you can get a full-frame a7c? I have that and its a great camera. I hear that alpha 7c is getting an upgrade pretty soon too.

I learnt this in school

Looks like Mars’ atmosphere is already hazy and hot.  Global warming up in there too, seems like.